Class Participation Grade (50 pts) Earn points by volunteering to answer questions – raise your hand Lose points by Side conversations Eyes closed Silly nonsensical answers Shouting out answers Not paying attention / working on something else
Trade is disrupted – U.S. will begin to make (manufacture) their own goods
Samuel Slater & the Factory System Workers under one roof produce the whole product = Mass production
Interchangeable Parts by Eli Whitney All parts are exactly alike = speed up production
Telegraph by Samuel Morse Information travels quicker = brings the nation closer together
Mechanical Reaper by Cyrus McCormick Cut grain quicker = more fields in production = more wheat = more $$$
Steel Plow by John Deere Light weight plow Plow fields faster = more fields in production = more crops = more $$$
Cotton Gin by Eli Whitney Separates seeds from cotton faster = more fields of cotton can be grown = more slave labor
Steamboat by Robert Fulton Move goods and people quicker on water & can go up stream
Erie Canal Connects the Great Lakes with New York City and the Atlantic Ocean = move goods and people quicker
Railroads Move people and goods faster and more easily across distances
Urbanization Population increase = rapid growth of cities = problems
Lowell Mills Textile mills that employed women
Child labor
Immigrants from Europe
Workers strike Form Unions Want better working conditions shorter hours better pay
Nativist Wanted to protect native – born white citizens Claimed they “stole” jobs Refused to hire immigrants
The Know Nothings Political Party Wanted to slow / stop immigration
The Question You Need To Think About Are You Teachable?