Isaac Newton and Galileo Subtitle
Context Before science, Europeans relied on religion and Greek thinkers for their knowledge Only members of the church would study science Started to question Greek thinkers and test theories Two main focuses today: Galileo and Newton
Galileo Galilei Italian astronomer, physicist, mathematician, and philosopher Born February 1564 Disproved Aristotle’s idea that objects that are heavier will fall faster Worked with telescopes to learn about the sky Discovered that the earth was not the center of the universe Found that all the planets traveled around the sun
Galileo Cont. The Catholic Church was angered by Galileo’s research His research went against religious teachings that the earth is the center of the world The Pope called Galileo to an Inquisition, or _____ They accused him of Heresy one of the most heinous religious crimes He first refused to take back his statements, then did so under death threat
Sir Isaac Newton English Astronomer, Mathematician, and Physicist Born 1642 Came up with the idea of gravity Wondered why objects fell straight down after watching an apple fall from a tree Then came up with the idea of Mass Published a book that detailed Newton’s Three Laws Of Motion
Newton Cont. Also created the binomial theorem Helped develop Calculus Never married, Also accused of being a heretic
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