Feedback Model Learning Space Feed-in Feedback Feed-forward Assessment purpose & context, discussion briefing, preparation, standards Feed-forward Formative ‘feedback’, tutorials , discussion, mid-way reviews, peer feedback Feedback end of task, written, verbal, mp3,You Tube ,marks/grades, improvements in future work, Learning Space Magne (2013 )
Where things go wrong Bloxham (2014) adapted from Hounsell et al (2010) Little/ no recent Experience of task set Unfamilar Task, - insufficient guidance Guidance misunderstood Inadequate grasp of assessment criteria No Opportunity To practice Feedback dwells on Shortcomings & demotivates Adapted from Hounsell et al Sue Bloxham PU VCs T & L conference 2014 Feedback Unconst- ructive Feedback inconsistent Little access To ongoing advice Feedback Absent or Too sparse Feedback Lacks transparency Reluctance To buttonhole tutors Adapted from Hounsellet al 2008 Guidance misunderstood