Our Students March 15, 2012
Full time/part time
Minority students
ethnicity Headcount College AMERICAN INDIAN ASIAN BLACK HISPANIC NATIVE HAWAIIAN NON-RESIDENT ALIEN TWO OR MORE RACES UNKNOWN WHITE Headcount SOMERSET 43 31 102 117 10 4 74 215 9,432 10,028 Grand Total 43 31 102 117 10 4 74 215 9,432 10,028
State Headcount
Student type SOMERSET 18 4,504 1,729 1,128 2,649 10,028 Headcount College AUDITOR FRESHMAN HIGH SCHOOL NONDEGREE SOPHOMORE SOMERSET 18 4,504 1,729 1,128 2,649 10,028 Grand Total
retention Definition: First time degree seeking student (Fall semester – Fall semester)
persistence Definition: Percent of fall/summer first-time credential-seeking students who have earned a credential, transferred to a four-year institution, or are still enrolled at the end of three years.
credentials awarded