Take everything else off of your desks! Monday May 21, 2012 Please take out your: Notebooks, your Macbeth books and a WRITING UTENSIL Take everything else off of your desks!
Class Objectives Define and Identify part of speech for Act II Vocab! Students will be able to … Define and Identify part of speech for Act II Vocab! Analyze and critically read Act II Thoroughly answer analytical reading questions
Language Objectives Define and identify part of speech for Act I vocab Students will be able to … Define and identify part of speech for Act I vocab Critically Analyze Act II Answer Act II Reading Questions
WORD PUZZLE! S T A H W T H A T Answer: What’s up with that?
Announcement Vocab Quiz Friday! We will be reviewing the words all week. Please make sure you are paying attention!!
Announcement Notebook Collection: FRIDAY!
Act II Vocab! Words: Page 100 Homework: Page 101
Wrought Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Embellished or stirred with emotion Katy Perry was wrought with so much emotion during her performance that her audience was able to feel her pain.
Carouse Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To party excessively The people at the party caroused ceremoniously until the wee hours of the morning.
Lament Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To mourn aloud Dawson lamented to Casey about how much he loved her. She could not refute his sorrow.
Malice Part of Speech: Noun Definition: The desire to cause pain, injury or distress The best villains have an incredible sense of malice that forces our best protagonists to push beyond their limits for good.
Equivocate Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To lie, mislead or hide the truth Some people equivocate on their resumes to make themselves sound better.
Obscure Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Difficult to see or understand; Vague The obscure image in the painting was difficult to understand and caused a hoopla amongst the viewers.
Sacrilegious Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Disrespectful of that which is religious or holy Nicki Minaj’s sacrilegious outfit to the Grammy’s caused quite the uproar.
Take out your MACBETH Act II Reading Questions!
ACES: Bottom of page 24
OPs: Middle of pg. 21
UPs: Middle of pg. 22
GTLs: Top of pg. 20