Blood… The River of Life A delivery system of 6 quarts of liquid fun!!!
I. Functions of Blood Transports Oxygen to body cells Transports Carbon Dioxide and Waste from the body cells Transports food to body cells Contains disease fighters Regulates body temperature Transports hormones
II. Anatomy of Blood Plasma Liquid Part of Blood (92% Water) Contains salts, proteins, nutrients, waste, hormones, sugar, enzymes Non living
II. Anatomy of Blood B. Red Blood Cells Live 100-120 days No nucleus Contain Hemoglobin which carries oxygen Flattened Discs Made in bone marrow
II. Problems with Red Blood 1. Anemia – Decrease in the oxygen carrying ability of the blood Due to: 1. lower than normal # of Red blood cells OR 2. abnormal or deficient hemoglobin content 3. low oxygen carrying ability
II. Problems with RBC 2. Polycythemia – Excessive or abnormal increase in the number of Red Blood Cells -causes thickening of the blood and impairs circulation
II. Anatomy of Blood White Blood Cells 1. Less than 1% of Blood volume 2. Complete cells (contain nucleus and organelles) 3. Protective army of cells used in Defense against foreign invaders 4. Can leave the circulatory system and go to damaged tissues
Anatomy of Blood The Five Types of White Blood Cells 1. Neutrophils – Fight acute infection 2. Eosinophils – Fight Allergies and Parasites
(Cont) 3. Basophils – Seen in inflammation 4. Lymphocytes – Immune Response – make antibodies, fight tumors 5. Monocytes – Fight chronic infections like TB
II. Problems with White Blood cells Leukemia – *Suppressed bone marrow function *can’t fight disease Mononucleosis – *Caused by Epstein Barr Virus *lots of monocytes *makes you tired, achy, sore throat
II. Anatomy of Blood Platelets 1. Made of Fragments of Cells 2. Aid in Blood Clotting 3. Form a temporary plug to seal break in skin
II. Problems with Platlets Platelets (cont) *Thrombus/Embolus – a clot of platelets that can cut off blood flow to organs *Hemophilia – Hereditary bleeding disorder results in inability of blood to clot (missing 1 of 13 clotting factors) *Platelet Deficiency – Lack of platelets causing excessive bruising
III. Hemostasis Is the process of forming a blood clot 1. Platelets become “sticky” and cling to damaged site 2. Platelets release chemicals to attract more to form a platelet plug. 3. Blood vessels get smaller, decreasing blood flow to the area 4. Clotting Cascade begins series of chemical reactions. Fibrin forms meshwork to trap RBC’s making a clot 5. Clot squeezes serum from mass to dry it out (Yuck!!)
Hemostasis Fun Facts Blood clotting takes 3-6 minutes. So why do we use dry gauze and pressure when we are bleeding? Gauze gives platelets a place to stick to and pressure increases the rate of the chemical reactions that need to occur. COOL!!!
Blood Types There are 4 types. A, B, AB and O These 4 types can be Rh positive or Rh negative The difference is due to Antigens on the red blood cells and antibodies in the blood plasma.
Blood Type Antigens A,B,O Rh Rh+= antigen A – A antigens B- B antigens AB – A & B antigens O – no antigens Rh+= antigen Rh - = no antigen Carbohydrates MARKERS ON CELL Used in ID
The Scoop on Blood Type Antibodies Rh ABO Bind to Antigens Anti-A Anti-B Anti Rh+ Proteins Find Invaders In plasma
Genetics of Blood Types Blood types are an example of CoDominance A and B are codominant genes and code for the antigens on Red Blood cells If a person has AB blood, they have both antigens O is recessive and codes for NO antigens To be recessive, you must have two recessive alleles meaning an O from Mom and an O from Dad. Try a practice problem
Genetics of Blood Type i i IA IAi IAi IB IBi IBi Type A = IAIA or IAi Type B = IBIB or IBi Type AB = IAIB Type O = i i i i IA IAi IAi IB IBi IBi