Ecological and Environmental Impacts of Large-scale Groundwater Development in the Table Mountain Group (TMG) Aquifer System WRC project K5/1327
WRC – TMG Introduction Objectives of the WRC Eco TMG project Who is involved Project process and timing Links with CCT-TMG AA project Differences to CCT-TMG AA project.
Aims of the WRC project Characterize the occurrence of groundwater discharge areas in the TMG; Characterize the hydraulic continuity between discharge areas and deep and shallow aquifer flow regimes; Characterize groundwater use by terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems; Assess the dependency on groundwater of these uses and the sensitivity of ecosystems to changes in the groundwater regime; Determine early indicators of stress and response to changes in the groundwater regime; Assess the resilience of ecosystems to changing groundwater conditions at various temporal and spatial scales.
Approach Innovative and integrative research Predictive tools and indicators Education and research Leverage additional funding for long term
Project Overview Scoping Monitoring Analysis Recommendations
The Core Team CSIR Umvoto Africa Southern Waters Paul Lochner (PL) Christine Colvin Dr Dave Le Maitre Umvoto Africa Rowena Hay Dr Chris Hartnady Southern Waters Dr Cate Brown Dr Bill Harding
Themes and Teams
Time Frame Scoping – March 2002 – April 2003 Data collation Specialist inputs Target sites Monitoring - May 2003 – Sept 2004 Analysis - March 2003 – Dec 2004 Recommendations – March 2003 – Dec 2004 ?
Overlapping areas Team GIS database Research and improved understanding Monitoring protocol Risk assessment of GDEs
WRC – EcoTMG CCT – TMG-AA Research focus Broader GDE review Scientifically inclusive Boundary conditions –climate change Focus on CCT sites Vulnerable GDEs EIA – impact minimisation Environmental flow requirements Monitoring compliance No-go limits Stakeholder process
Thank you Points for clarification…?
Outputs of the CCT Eco task Data base and maps Consensus on monitoring protocols Eco redflags (no-go & switch off) Rapid and intermediate RDM Actual monitoring and analysis Impact minimisation – MCDA & risk
CCT – TMG project Overall objective – development of groundwater resources. Environment 1 of 7 tasks Task leader – Mike Luger (NS) Core team as for WRC