Working On-Line Module 4 People's Resource Center Barry Glicklich Last updated 26 October 2011 Working On-Line (BG)
E-Mail: What is it? Email message: Sent from one account to one or more others Email address: Identifies an account e.g. Email program: Web-based or client-based that lets you send, receive, and manage your email account Working On-Line (BG)
E-Mail: Where is it? yours mine you me Working On-Line (BG) Client-based inbox Web-based outbox you me Working On-Line (BG)
E-Mail: Web vs. Client based Web-based: Can get to it from any computer, requires web browser Client-based: Files are stored on your computer, requires software. Working On-Line (BG)
E-Mail: What Can I Do With It Read messages Text, Formatted, Attachments Send Message Manage Account Folders Contact Lists Working On-Line (BG)
E-Mail: Folders In-box Sent Mail (Outbox) Drafts Trash (Deleted Messages) Spam (probably) Working On-Line (BG)
E-Mail: Who? Why? Communicate with Friends Information (Sales, Account activation) Advertisements Chain mail Spam, Viruses Working On-Line (BG)
E-Mail: Exercise 1a- Set up Account Open browser to Notice you were “redirected” to ail&passive=true&rm=false&continue=https%3A%2F%2F Click on “Create an Account” Enter Information, Review Terms of Service, and Click “I accept. Create my account.” Click “Show me my account” Working On-Line (BG)
E-Mail: Exercise 1b- Set up Account Working On-Line (BG)
E-Mail: Exercise 1c- Set up Account Working On-Line (BG)
E-Mail: Exercise 1d- Set up Account Working On-Line (BG)
E-Mail: Exercise 1e- Set up Account Working On-Line (BG)
E-Mail: Exercise 2a- Use Account If you haven’t, log in to Look at the tools on the left- contacts, folders, compose mail button, “offers” Click on a mail you received from “Gmail Team” that says “Customize Gmail …” Look at the buttons above the message- back to inbox arrow, Archive, Spam, Delete. Find the “Reply button” Return to the In-box. Working On-Line (BG)
E-Mail: Exercise 2b- Use Account Notice that the mail you read is no longer bold Click on the box to the left of the message you just read, and the one with “Get Gmail on your mobile phone”. Click the “Archive” button. This moves those mails from your In- box to a filing cabinet in “the cloud” Hit “Compose mail”, write a short message to, & hit send Type mobile in box beside “Search mail” & hit “Search Mail”. See the archived message? Find your login, click the triangle, and sign out Working On-Line (BG)