Compare and Contrast Texts


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Presentation transcript:

Compare and Contrast Texts

Compare and Contrast Texts

Compare and Contrast Texts

Compare and Contrast Texts

How to Compare and Contrast Texts For fiction texts, ask yourself: What is the main idea of each story? What is the setting of each story? Who are the characters? What are they like? What is the plot of each story? What are the conflicts? How are they resolved?

How to Compare and Contrast Texts For nonfiction texts, ask yourself: What is the main idea of each selection? What is the subject of each selection? What is the scope of each selection? What is the author’s purpose in writing each selection? How is each selection organized?

How to Compare and Contrast Texts I don’t think insects are scary. In fact, I think they’re interesting and fun to watch. I also think most insects are beautiful. Spiders terrify me. I saw a spider the other day, and I just about jumped to the ceiling. It looked like it was hungry, and I didn’t want it munching on my leg! TEXT 1 TEXT 2

How to Compare and Contrast Texts scope: narrow (only spiders) main idea: Spiders are scary. BOTH TEXTS organization: main idea and details subject: insects TEXT 1 general (all insects) Insects are interesting.

Guided Practice with Compare and Contrast Texts Read the two stories and answer the questions that follow. (continued on next slide) The Blue Light Once a soldier who served the king faithfully was discharged from the army and had nowhere to go. He wandered until he found an old woman living in a hut. He asked her for shelter. She replied, “I will take you in, if you will do what I wish." The soldier consented. The next day the old woman took him to a well and he saw a blue light glowing at the bottom. “Bring me the blue light, and I’ll in exchange I will give you gold,” she said with a smile. The soldier agreed and she lowered him down. He grabbed the blue light and then the woman began to pull him up.

Guided Practice with Compare and Contrast Texts Read the two stories and answer the questions that follow. (continued from previous slide) The second story begins on the next slide. However, when he came near the edge, she stretched down her hand to take away the blue light. "No," he said, realizing she planned to trick him, "I will not give you the light until I am out of this well." The old woman became furious and let go of the rope. The poor soldier fell but was not hurt. In the glow of the blue light, he could see an underground passage. He walked using the light to guide his way. Along the way, he found an old chest full of treasure. The soldier took as much as he could carry. Soon he found his way out. As he left, the blue light in his hand vanished.

Guided Practice with Compare and Contrast Texts Read the two stories and answer the questions that follow. (continued on next slide) The Trade A very wealthy merchant lost all of his goods at sea. Upon hearing the news, he fell to the ground and wept. An old woman approached him and asked why he was upset. “I have lost all that is precious to me,” he told her. “I can help you regain your wealth, if you promise to give me the first thing that touches you when you return home.” The merchant agreed. He returned home and as soon as he came through the door his young son hugged him and laughed. The merchant was now horrified by the deal he had made with the old woman. Time passed and he regained his wealth, he soon forgot about the trade. However, when his son turned twelve, the old woman arrived.

Guided Practice with Compare and Contrast Texts Read the two stories and answer the questions that follow. (continued from previous slide) The merchant cried and pleaded with her. His son said, “Father, she has honored her word and so should we.” The boy left with the old woman. Day after day he worked for her. When he became a young man, she said to him, “Walk until you see a large lion. Don’t be afraid; kill it and you will be rewarded.” When the young man found the lion, he saw that it was about the kill a beautiful princess. He killed the lion with one arrow. The princess was so grateful to be saved that she promised the young man anything he wished. The young man requested a horse, which the princess happily gave him. The son rode the horse and returned to his father. The merchant was overjoyed.

Guided Practice with Compare and Contrast Texts A. They are both about gaining wealth through deception. B. They both have evil old women as characters. C. They are both about honoring one’s word. D. They both suggest that people must pay for their mistakes. 1. In what way are the two stories similar? A. The first is about an old woman who makes a deal to gain treasure; the second is about a merchant who makes a deal and loses what he truly treasures. B. The first shows how greed makes people bad and selfish; the second shows that greed can lead to the heart’s true desire. C. The first is about a confused hero; the second is about a loyal young boy. D. The first shows that bad people get what they deserve; the second shows that bad people sometimes win in the end. 2. What is one difference between the two stories?

Guided Practice with Compare and Contrast Texts A. They are both about gaining wealth through deception. B. They both have evil old women as characters. C. They are both about honoring one’s word. D. They both suggest that people must pay for their mistakes. 1. In what way are the two stories similar? A. The first is about an old woman who makes a deal to gain treasure; the second is about a merchant who makes a deal and loses what he truly treasures. B. The first shows how greed makes people bad and selfish; the second shows that greed can lead to the heart’s true desire. C. The first is about a confused hero; the second is about a loyal young boy. D. The first shows that bad people get what they deserve; the second shows that bad people sometimes win in the end. 2. What is one difference between the two stories?

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