Priority Areas The unit plan submitted for the competition must be aligned to one of the four GOSA Priority Areas. Your plan should match all components of the priority area’s definition. GOSA has four Innovation in Teaching Priority Areas: Applied Learning with a focus on STEAM Education Blended Learning Innovative Practices to Close the Achievement Gap Language and Literacy Definitions are covered in the next four slides.
Applied Learning with a Focus on STEAM Education Applied Learning unit plans will provide opportunities for students to integrate classroom content with authentic, real-world (personal, home, career, community, society) experiences. Applied Learning units should challenge students to develop and strengthen their problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and self- management skills. STEAM Education is defined as an integrated curriculum (as opposed to science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics taught in isolation) that is driven by problem solving, discovery, exploratory project/problem-based learning , and student-centered development of ideas and solutions. (Definition from the Georgia Department of Education)
Blended Learning Blended Learning units will allow students to learn at least in part through online learning with some element of student control over time, place, path and or/pace, and at least in part through in-person teacher instruction. Blended learning is NOT simply placing technology in the classroom or providing students access to online courses. Blended learning utilizes technology to promote new ways of teaching and data-driven and individualized instruction. (Definition adapted from The Clayton Christensen Institute)
Innovative Practices to Close the Achievement Gap Innovative Practices to Close the Achievement Gap are methods of instruction and classroom management that promote academic achievement for all types and levels of learners. Units aligned with this priority area should clearly demonstrate how the methods included in their unit plan promote academic success for all students.
Kindergarten through Third Grade Language and Literacy Kindergarten through Third Grade Language and Literacy focuses on helping K-3 grade students develop the skills they need to be successful readers and learners. Units should demonstrate how students have access to a language-rich environment that promotes learning to read and developing strong language and literacy skills.