Implementing Oregon Statute and Rules HB 2220 & OAR 581-022-1670 Implementing Oregon Statute and Rules
HB 2220 & OAR 581-022-1670 Definitions “Continuum of knowledge and skills” means the Oregon Academic Content Standards. “Proficiency” means demonstrated knowledge and skills which meet or exceed defined levels of performance.
HB 2220 & OAR 581-022-1670 REQUIREMENTS FOR DISTRICTS Determine the student’s progress toward achieving the academic content standards (align instruction to standards).
HB 2220 & OAR 581-022-1670 REQUIREMENTS FOR DISTRICTS Show, at least annually, the student and parents whether the student’s progress to standards meets or exceeds grade-level standards expectations.
HB 2220 & OAR 581-022-1670 REQUIREMENTS FOR DISTRICTS Assure that a student’s academic grades reflect his/her academic proficiency.
HB 2220 & OAR 581-022-1670 IMPLEMENTATION Implementation required by July 1, 2013: Align classroom instruction to the Oregon Academic Content Standards. Schedule the annual report to students and parents. Ensure that academic grades reflect academic achievement. Behavior should be reported separately.
ODE’s HB 2220 web page: Contact: HB 2220 & OAR 581-022-1670 RESOURCES ODE’s HB 2220 web page: Contact: Andrea Morgan, Education Specialist (503) 947-5772