The Problem of Evil (How Can a Good God Allow Bad Things to Happen?) APOLOGETICS The Problem of Evil (How Can a Good God Allow Bad Things to Happen?)
Introduction: If God is the Almighty, why is He allowing all this evil to hurt His creation? Why are people dying, starving, abused, ill, etc.? Why there is so much evil in this world? Why evil exists in the world ? Memory Verse: “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things” (Matthew 12:35).
Existence of Evil If existence of Evil, then nonexistence of God! We see it all around us, every time ,every where from school to work, even in our very own homes We see it when we hear of shootings or massacres, disasters or catastrophes, lies or deceit, pain or suffering. As Christians, we are driven to ask where’s God? Does He not see all of this suffering, or fell all of this pain? How can an all-powerful, all-good God allow such evil to exist and continue? If God really existed, He would not permit evil !
What is Evil? The Essence of God is that He is God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit We know God through His graces: these include goodness, love, majesty, beauty, patience, etc. There are two types of evil: The Moral Evil: Violence, murders, lies, greed, dishonesty & The Natural Evil: Earthquakes, floods, famines, hurricanes Evil is not a created being, it is essentially nothing, because it is the absence of goodness Evil is the word that we humans have created to try to describe the absence of God’s Energies ‘Evil is not a living and animated substance, but a condition of the soul which is opposed to virtue and which springs up in the slothful because of their falling away from Good.
The Problem of Free Will Why does a loving, all-goodness God, allow evil? Or allow his goodness to be twisted? Evil results when the free will of God’s creation is directed against God and thereby engendering evil A leader is meant to serve. But we see how twisted it can become when people rule out of fear or a desire to control The Problem of Free Will God created us with free will, in order to freely love Him. Evil occurs when we use that free will against God. Free-will is not restrictive, or else it is not free will. So, it is either something we have, or we do not have. When we contemplate about the incarnation of Christ, His death, and resurrection; we are able to see the beauty and love behind it all, since He did it out of free will
Greater Good Natural Evil Evil might occur for the greater good of God’s plan God has permitted evil in order to bring about a greater good such as certain virtues (courage, mercy, forgiveness, patience, faithfulness, self-control, long-suffering, submission, obedience) Natural Evil The first time we saw a natural disaster in the bible was in the story of Noah , When God promised never to destroy man again We must realize that the natural catastrophes that occur, are not God’s punishment to us, rather they’re a reality of our fallen world. “For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God” (Romans 8: 20-21).
Conclusion We believe that God can use evil for an overall good “all things work together for good to those who love God” (Romans 8:28) Why bad things may happen to us is often unclear to us. Sometimes, we eventually come to know why. In many cases, however, we will never know this side of eternity As Righteous Joseph, who had been sold into slavery by his brothers, came to realize — though his brothers had “meant evil” against him; “God meant it for good…” (Genesis 50:20) As Christians, we are charged with bringing God’s love and goodness into the world by our actions. At the end, it is our choice whether we choose love or evil.
Questions for Reflection Who is to blame for the evil in the world? How can you become good in the midst of all the evil? What can you do to control your free will?
Applications When you see evil around you, try to say, “The Arrow Prayer.” My Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me and on those people, my Lord Jesus Christ help me and those people to repent, etc. Contemplate on all the good things in your life (your health, speech, tongue, body, being able to walk, senses, job, education, family, friends, etc.). The more you become thankful, the more you will see the good things God blessed you with. Practice praying daily for the peace of the world. Pray for the countries that are suffering persecution and pray for anyone who asked you to pray for him or her by name.