Overview of Session Board member: 9th March, 2.00pm Online Webinar Peter Wilson Attended Online: 180 registered 86 logged in Topics Discussed Improving governance and transparency of the Board, including engagement with younger members Increasing support for Divisional Councils Process to appoint the board, with a focus on models of direct election and reducing the Board’s influence on the Nominations committee Representation of women and Public Practitioners on the Board Communicating the member survey outcomes Board remuneration, particularly that of the Chair The planning of Member Consultation Forums, timing to submit resolutions for the AGM, and sharing of outcomes Focus Groups planning and the sharing of outcomes Future sponsorship of the Australian Open Improving how CPA Australia engages with members, the speed services are delivered and the overall value for members Changes to membership fees Possibility of mergers with other professional bodies
Summary of discussion CPA members asked 19 direct questions of the Board member in attendance, Peter Wilson. The main topic discussed at the Webinar were: The process for appointing of the Board, with models of direct election discussed. Members highlighted that direct member election has been successful in creating a mix of skills on Divisional Councils and that it should be applied to the Board. Related to this, the composition of the Nominations Committee and Appointment Council was discussed, with concerns raised over the number of Board appointed positions on the Nominations Committee. This should be decreased in order to minimise Board influence over future Director selection How the current Board had been appointed, and if there is adequate representation of women and Public Practitioners The proposed changes to the constitution, and if these changes and the recent actions of the Board have been sufficient to establish strong governance across CPA Australia. There was a question focussed on how the Board plans to engage younger members in these changes and future governance Engagement of members, with concerns over declining service levels. This includes how members are treated, and the responsiveness of the organisation. The current level of support for Divisional Councils, and how it will be improved How Director remuneration had been determined, and why the Chair receives a greater amount Whether the timing of the Member Forums allowed enough time for new resolutions to be created and for the Board to take on feedback before the AGM The discussion also covered: Member fees, and it they will be decreased to improve value for members, or rise in order to fund the recent offer of 28.5 hours of free CPD How feedback from the Member Forums, Focus Groups and the member engagement survey would be shared with members A potential merger between CPA Australia and CA The branding at the Australian Open, if it represented value for money for CPA and whether it would continue