Warm-up / Journal What are some aspects of your life that are impacted by your overall health? (i.e. – ability to do well in school, to join in activities with friends, etc.)
Chapter 1 Lesson 2 What Affects Your Health Objective: Lists five factor that influence health. Main Idea: Understanding how heredity, environment, and others factors affect your health can help you make healthy decisions.
Influences on Your Health There are 7 concepts that create your health. 1. Heredity 2. Environment 3. Attitude 4. Behavior 5. Media and Technology
Heredity All the traits passed on to you from your Parents.
Heredity Do you have family members that suffer from diseases like cancer or heart disease? Do you have family members who are naturally slender instead of bulky? Ask your family about their health issues because they are most likely going to enter your life….
Heredity Discussion: How many students have specific inherited traits? Eye color (brown, blue, green, hazel) Attached ear lobes Roll your tongue Hitch hiker thumb Fair skin = increased risk skin cancer Race Gender Male = increased risk cardiovascular disease Female = increased risk of breast cancer
Environment the sum of your surroundings. Physical Culture Social Places around you Social People around you Culture Beliefs, customs, & values the sum of your surroundings. What environmental factors influence your health?
people of the same age who share similar interests. Peers: people of the same age who share similar interests. Peers can have a positive or negative influence on you.
Social Environment CULTURE – the collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group. language food spiritual beliefs traditions
Handshakes have been a cultural form of greeting for centuries Handshakes have been a cultural form of greeting for centuries. With a partner, create a handshake. Each handshake must have at least FOUR different parts and ONE body movement. Answer the following: Why is it important to understand the culture or cultures of your own family? Why is it important to understand the cultures of other families in your community? How does an understanding of your own, and other cultures help you stay health?
Media: - the various methods of communicating information. TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, computers, phones, people, posters, signs… How does the media significantly influence your decisions and health?
Your Attitude Influences Your Health - Is the way you view a situation. Optimists (people with a positive attitude) are usually in better health then pessimist (people with negative attitudes). YOU have complete control over your own BEHAVIORS!!!!!
Behavior You have TOTAL control over your own behavior.!!! List 2 of each……(Pretending its Friday night) High – Risk Behaviors : Low – Risk Behaviors:
Technology: the specific form of media including radio, television, and the internet. Not all information from a technology source is a reliable and valid How do you know if a website has valid health information? Look for .gov or .edu
In Class Activity Create a Facebook Page/MySpace (ON PAPER) that describes an imaginary person who has healthy habits in all 5 areas. Must include imaginary picture, message wall, status and/or mood. USE NOTES FOR HELP… Include: 1. Heredity 2. Environment – (Physical, Social, Culture) 3. Attitude 4. Behavior 5. Media and Technology