Jesus’ Arrest and Trial Unit 3 Lesson 7 Jesus’ Arrest and Trial Class Discussion: think back over your life. What would you consider to be one of the worst days of your life? What happened to make the day so terrible? Let’s Discuss… What happened Thursday night in the Garden of Gethsemane? Jesus and his disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane after celebrating ___________________. The Garden can be found on the Mount of _____________ on the western side of Jerusalem. Jesus took ___________, ______________, and ____________ with him to go pray. While Jesus felt the pressure of what was going to happen, the disciples kept drifting off to _____________. Jesus was in agony thinking about his upcoming ______________ and separation from the ___________. His ____________ fell like drops of ______________. Jesus prayed, “Father, if you are ______________, take this _______ from me; yet not my ______, but yours be _________.” Judas betrayed his ____________, leading the Jewish leaders to ____________ Jesus. What happened with the Sanhedrin? Jesus was first taken to the home of _________, a former high priest who was deposed by the Romans. Next, Jesus was taken to ______________, who was the official high priest and the son-in-law of _________. Jesus’ trial by the Sanhedrin _____________ many Jewish laws. Trials were not to be held at ___________ with no ____________. The witnesses that were brought were unable to _________ on their ____________. The Sanhedrin twisted Jesus’ __________ When Jesus confirmed his __________ as the Christ, the Sanhedrin pronounced a ________ ___________ immediately instead of waiting a day before announcing a ____________. Caiaphas did not have the __________ to carry out ___________ so Jesus was taken to the _________ procurator of Judea, __________ __________. What happened with the Roman authorities? Pilate was responsible for Roman ___________ and ____________ concerns in Judea, along with appointing the __________ __________. The Sanhedrin only brought Jesus to Pilate because they needed his ___________ to carry out their ________ ___________ against Jesus. When Pilate realized that Jesus was a Galilean, he sent Jesus to ______________. Pilate and __________ had been ___________, but this show of favor brought them together. Pilate knew that Jesus was _____________, but he also knew that he could not afford to antagonize the _________ ___________. The Sanhedrin had _____________ Pilate to get what they wanted: Jesus was __________ to ___________.