% of total exposure time from under 35s... Tube Carriage Rail Carriage Tram/Light Rail Motorway Service Area Tube Station Airport exterior Airport interior Rail Station Low High Advertising platforms on this side are seen by higher proportions of under 35s than Facebook Source: 1. All out of home data - Route R26 (March 2018) – based on total time spent within visibility areas of OOH frames Source 2: All social media data – UKOM (March 2018) – based on % of total time spent with each platform
% of total exposure time from audiences 55+... Motorway Service Area Airport exterior Airport interior Rail Station Tube Carriage Tube Station Rail Carriage Tram/Light Rail High Low Advertising platforms on this side are seen by higher proportions of over 55s than Facebook Source: 1. All out of home data - Route R26 (March 2018) – based on total time spent within visibility areas of OOH frames Source 2: All social media data – UKOM (March 2018) – based on % of total time spent with each platform