More Than Meets the Eye
Program Goals
Importance of Histology and Genotyping in NSCLC
Importance of Histology and Genotyping in NSCLC (cont)
CAP/IASLC Guidelines
Case Study 1
Case Study 1 (cont)
Treatment Selection in NSCLC: Tumor and Patient Considerations
Nab-Paclitaxel vs Solvent-Based Paclitaxel in Elderly Patients
Nivolumab: Checkmate 017
Ramucirumab: REVEL
Current Phase III Clinical Trials in Advanced Squamous Cell NSCLC (Selected)
Case Study 2: Non-squamous Pan-Negative NSCLC
Case Study 2: Biopsy Results
First-Line Treatment of Pan-Negative Non-squamous NSCLC
Emerging Agents for 2nd-line Treatment of Non-Squamous NSCLC
Abbreviations (cont)
References (cont)
References (cont)
References (cont)
References (cont)
References (cont)
References (cont)
References (cont)
References (cont)
References (cont)