Federal Programs Public Hearing June 16, 2016 June 13, 2011
Federal Programs Federal Programs Program Requirement Title I-A Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended (ESEA) provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards. Federal funds are currently allocated through four statutory formulas that are based primarily on census poverty estimates and the cost of education in each state. Title I-D must provide educational services for students who are in local and state institutions for neglected and delinquent youth. The funds are provided for transitional services to help N/D students return to society and to prevent N/D students from dropping out Title II is the teacher and principal training and recruitment fund that is provided to increase student academic achievement through improving teacher and principal quality (no longer utilized for highly qualified as HQ language was eliminated in ESSA). Title III provides funds to develop and implement new language instruction education programs and academic content instruction programs for LEP to carry out highly focused, innovative, locally designed activities to expand or enhance exiting language instruction education programs and academic content instruction programs for LEP. HQ Pre-K is a high-quality grant program that will allow districts and charters to receive funding for qualifying prekindergarten students in addition to the half-day Foundation School Program (FSP) funding that is already received for each eligible prekindergarten student. In order to receive the grant funding, the district was required to meet certain enhanced quality standards related to curriculum, teacher qualifications, academic performance, and family engagement. Title I-A Title I-D Title II Title III HQ Pre-k Grant - new 2016-2017
Planning Amounts 2016-2017 Title I-A - $752,682 Title I-D - $42,838 Title II - $128,805 Title - III $96,494 HQ PK - $156,000 (HQ PK - distributed over two years) Indirect Cost Rate 5.58% (increase)
Campuses Receiving Funds Campuses Receiving Title I -A Funds as a schoolwide system of support Seven Hills - 48.96% Prairie View - 45.75% Hatfield – 35.77% Chisholm Trail -31.3% Justin- 30.46% Gene Pike - 29.57% Clara Love -28.70% If the school district serves any schools below 35% poverty, the district must allocate to all its participating schools using the 125% allocation rule. Campus Allocation must be determined in rank order of campus poverty rates. Campus Receiving Title I-D Denton Creek Title II and Title III District Support Campuses with Pre-K Roanoke – Bilingual Support Hughes Peterson Clara Love Prairie View – Bilingual Nance Thompson Seven Hills Justin
Federal Funds Allocations Title I-A STAR Teachers (5) 2 CITs Campus Social Workers (CIS) Homeless Support Family Involvement Instruction/Support Supplemental Tutoring Supplemental Materials Community Involvement Funding for Title I Campuses Title I-D Instructional Support - ½ position GED Preparation Supplemental Instruction/Materials Staff Development Title II Family Involvement Staff Development - ½ position District Staff Development to support District Improvement Plan Private Non Profit Instructional Service Agreement with Region XI Title III ELL District Support Teacher Bilingual Tutoring Support Supplemental Instructional materials Family Latino Literacy Project (Community Involvement) Language Academy (new) HQ Pre-K Literacy Program Materials Professional Development Family Involvement Community Development served
Changes from NCLB to ESSA and Proposed Funding Implications Title I-A New Requirements in ESSA Impacting the Education of Homeless and Foster Students with regard to Transportation will include a Toolkit with Considerations for LEAs in Developing Transportation Procedures. Under current law, school improvement activities are funded through School Improvement Grants (SIG) and a state set aside from Title I-A funds. Under ESSA, SIG would not be separate and will be funded through a state set aside within the Title I-A funds. ESSA increased Title I-A 4% to 7% but did not include 450 million in SIG which will now be distributed within Title I-A fund (anticipated effect of the inclusion of SIG in Title I-A is that no additional funds will be distributed through the 7% increase). Title II Formula Change The pre-conference legislative agreement would reduce each state’s base guarantee 14.29 % for each year between FY2017-FY2022 and eliminate grant by FY2023. Would amend current formula weights gradually over four fiscal years. Would reduce the share of funds allocated according to population from the current 35% to 30% in FY2018, 25% in FY2019, and 20% in FY2020 and subsequent fiscal years. Would increase the share of funds allocated according to poverty from the current 65% to 70% in FY2018, 75% in FY2019, and 80% in FY2020 and subsequent fiscal years. Would retain the minimum state grant of 0.5%. Title III Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) are eliminated in ESSA and AMAO staging will not longer threaten Title III funding. Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Source: AEIS, CCAPS and Benchmarks, Facilities Review Identified Need: To increase passing and commended rates in Reading, Math and Science. Increase the number of credits and GEDs earned by students.
Federal Funding Trends
Additional Information Federal Applications and evaluations are available for review by contacting: Student Services Phone: 817-215-0079 email: msmith@nisdtx.org