Gather Youth Social Action
Courage The purpose of the tutor reflections are to Gather The purpose of the tutor reflections are to 1. Enable staff and students to reflect upon the schools vision and values. Provide staff and students with an opportunity to explore the impact of faith and the teachings of Jesus in today’s world. (SIAMS Framework Nov 2017)
What Is Youth Social Action? Gather What Is Youth Social Action? Youth Social action, is young people in their community creating positive change. This positive change could be; volunteering, campaigning or fundraising.
Gather What Is #iwill? The #iwill campaign, is a national campaign specialised in Youth Social Action. “We want to make youth social part of daily life for all 10 to 20 year olds in the UK” Supported by all the political parties too! Helped by the Duke of Edinburgh!
Youth Social Action Gather Please click on image to play hyper link
What Is An #iwill Ambassador? Gather What Is An #iwill Ambassador? The #iwill ambassadors are aged between 10 and 20 years old and have participated regularly in Youth Social Action. They have been specially selected to represent the campaign across the country.
What Is An #iwill Ambassador? Gather #iwill ambassador in school…. Abbey Harwood, Year 11. “ Getting the opportunity was amazing, now I’m an ambassador for life! I carry on making more students, teachers and parents aware of the positive effects of social action.”
Youth Social Action Gather Please click on image to play hyper link
Respond Youth Social Action Take time to share different ways students are already working to bring about a positive change in our community? Please click on image to play hyper link
Respond Our School Values What School Values do you think link with youth social action? Hope Kindness Courage Integrity Trust Respect Responsibility Please click on image to play hyper link
Thank you Dismiss Thank you to Abbey Harwood for putting together this weeks reflection. For more information: Find out about Abbey’s work: @iwill_abbeyharwood