Statistical Knowledge Patterns: Identifying Synonymous Relations in Large Linked Datasets Ziqi Zhang, Anna Lisa Gentile, Eva Blomqvist, Isabelle Augenstein, Fabio Ciravegna
Motivation dbpedia:label rdfs:label dbpedia:name foaf:name dbpedia:lakeName
SKP Example
SKP Construction Property Subject-Object dbpedia:name lake1-Big Lake Dbpedia:Lake dbpedia:name Big Lake lake1 Property Subject-Object dbpedia:name lake1-Big Lake lake3-Sweet Lake dbpedia:label lake3-Sweet lake lake4-Good Lake dbpedia:lakeName lake2-Bad Lake dbpedia:label Big Lake lake2 dbpedia:lakeName Bad Lake dbpedia:label Sweet Lake lake3 dbpedia:lakeName Sweet Lake dbpedia:name Sweet Lake lake4 dbpedia:label Good Lake
Property Clustering Synonymity Triple Overlap Subject Agreement Cardinality Ratio dbpedia:name dbpedia:lakeName dbpedia:label
Evaluation Two sets of experiments Dataset SKP Observation Query Expansion Dataset DBpedia SPARQL endpoint 34 DBpedia classes from QALD1
SKP Observation Measurement Three methods for setting threshold #Property Fraction of triples covered Three methods for setting threshold Absolute threshold Certain fraction Normalized threshold
SKP Observation Absolute threshold Certain fraction Normalized threshold
Characteristics of the generated SKPs 78% of the properties are not defined in DBpedia ontology!
Using SKPs for Query Expansion For each property ri defined in reference ontology SELECT DISTINCT ?s ?o WHERE { ?s a Main_Concept_of_SKP. ?s ri ?o. }
Using SKPs for Query Expansion
Using SKPs for Query Expansion
Conclusion -Bottom-up & Data-oriented -Reduce the number of properties -Query Expansion