Agenda (for me) Opening – Photo Analysis Practice #2 Research Paper Check-In Introduce Idea Sheet Review how to pull in/cite sources from Cobb Digital Library right into EasyBib Show favorite databases Reminders about Topic Proposals that were finished ATSS, Discuss Chaps. 10-15 If time, start independent reading of 2 argument essays
Reminders – 3-26-18 **Quest College Fair tonight @ McEachern Bring A Thousand Splendid Suns every day! ATSS Quiz Part 2 - Friday Idea Sheets due by 11:59 PM Friday (OR earlier) via Google Drive HW: Chapters 16-20 due Wednesday
Photo Analysis - practice Let’s view another photograph. You and your group should work together to analyze it using the OPTIC strategy. (Use the back of last week’s OPTIC Handout – yellow one) Then, your group should attempt to write an interpretation of the photograph using the instructions on your OPTIC handout.
A Mursi tribe woman discovers Vogue magazine, Ethiopia.
Checking In Research Paper Check-In Reminders about Topic Proposals that were finished (I’ve reviewed all that were complete in the Google folder AND were named correctly – i.e. if it was not named, I didn’t review it.) Introduce Idea Sheet Review how to pull in/cite sources from Cobb Digital Library right into EasyBib Show favorite databases
ATSS – Discussion Generator Inference Frame: Complete the following frame about your reading. “The part where . . . may mean that . . . because . . . .” Share/Discuss
ATSS – Discussion Questions The beginning of Mariam’s marriage to Rasheed seems to promise happiness. What are signs that this may be short lived? How does Rasheed feel about the westernization of Afghanistan? What shows his ambivalence? What are Rasheed’s reasons for making Mariam wear a burqa and what do they tell us about his ideas about his role as a husband and man and his expectations for Mariam? Mariam learns some of her husband’s history when she looks inside the drawers in his room. Why does she rationalize about what she sees? Why does Rasheed want a boy? How might life have been different for the family if Mariam could have had a baby? Why does Rasheed become abusive?
If time, begin argument essay reading 2 Argument essays Assert American Values & Rough Justice – focus on types of evidence (SB 2.12) If we don’t finish in class, you will have part of the class tomorrow to complete. Both should be read by Wednesday.