Welcome to Year 6!
This is an exciting and challenging year for your children and their teacher. We have already got off to a brilliant start with our Class Charter and now we are looking forward to our trip to Nothe Fort next week. Add some pictures from Inspiration Day etc.
Topics Autumn The year will start with a study of World War 2 and our reading, art and writing will be largely based around this subject. In science we will study living things and their habitats along with microbes. Spring Our main topic for spring will be Britain since 1945 in which we will look at political and cultural changes since the war. In science we will study physical processes and life processes and living things. Summer The summer term starts with revision for the SATs tests which take place during the second week of May. Please do not take your children out of school during this week. Once the SATs are over, we have a play to rehearse and perform, our new schools to visit and PGL to look forward to.
Meditation We are continuing to hold a short session of Christian meditation every day when the children return to class from their lunch break. This enables the children to put to one side the ‘energy’ of lunchtime and prepare themselves for the afternoon’s lessons, bringing before God their successes and concerns. This is also the time they have an opportunity to add a prayer to our prayer window.
Rewards and Sanctions Many of you will already know about the merit system we have in school. Children are awarded merits for a range of reasons from good classwork to being extra helpful. These mount up and lead to Headteacher’s Awards. We also have the boxes – red and gold. Children receive rewards from the gold box for outstanding classwork. Their names are entered in the red box and letters sent home for bad behaviour – I’m sure we won’t have any year 6s in the red box this year! I have also decided to continue another class reward system this year to run alongside the others. Children will be awarded a raffle ticket for good behaviour in class or at lunchtime or for meeting their targets in maths or literacy. The raffle will be drawn at the end of each month and those children with the winning tickets will receive a small prize.
What your child needs in school PE Kit We will do PE on Thursdays and Tuesdays. Book Bag This should contain your child’s reading book, reading record and homework. Pencil Case A very small one so that it fits comfortably in your child’s tray. It only needs to contain a pencil, a pen and a whiteboard pen. More about this in a minute….. A fruit snack for break time.
There is a list on the table which can be signed. If your child wishes to walk home, please ensure that I have your written authority for them to do so. There is a list on the table which can be signed. Thank you.
Homework This will consist of; Daily reading to be recorded in the reading record and initialled by an adult Spelling homework Investigation linked to topic Maths linked to the areas learned After Christmas homework will change to give the children a chance to practise some SATs papers before their tests.
Reading is important as it helps your children to recognise correct use of punctuation, grammar and spelling as well helping them to gain knowledge. Please encourage your child to read every day.
Dates coming up 19th September - trip to Nothe Fort 13th September – Mass in school 11th October – Harvest Festival led by year 6 18th and 19th October – Parents’ evenings 24th November – Open Afternoon Remember – the education of your children is a partnership between yourselves and the school. With your help we can ensure that your children truly achieve their potential. Please let me know if you can hear readers, hear times tables or help with trips. Many thanks.