Wednesday, December-05-18Wednesday, December-05-18 Chapter 2 To apply dystopian and utopian ideologies to the island To analyse the symbolism in the chapter
How has the island been presented so far? Dystopia & Utopia Utopia = an ideal place or state Dystopia = a place where the conditions and quality of life are unpleasant. The opposite of Utopia. How has the island been presented so far?
Find four quotations that suggest the island is a dystopia: Dystopian Island Find four quotations that suggest the island is a dystopia: “Tell us about the snake-thing.” “Now he says it was a beastie.” “Beastie?” “A snake-thing. Ever so big. He saw it.” “Where?” “In the woods.” Either the wandering breezes or perhaps the decline of the sun allowed a little coolness to lie under the trees. The boys felt it and stirred restlessly… “He says the beastie came in the dark.” “Then he couldn’t see it!” Laughter and cheers. “Did you hear that? Says he saw the thing in the dark –“ “He still says he saw the beastie. It came and went away again an’ came back and wanted to eat him –“ For each chosen quotation, analyse the connotations of the words that prove the island is dystopian.
The boys felt it and stirred restlessly… Dystopian Island To be stirred implies a feeling of disturbance and trouble, connoting that the discussion of a possible beast living on the island disturbed the boys. The boys felt it and stirred restlessly… To act restlessly implies a feeling of unease and, literally, a lack of rest. This connotes that the boys’ initial joy of living a carefree life on the island without adults is now changing into a feeling of dread.
What emotions does each element connote? Natural Elements Golding uses the four natural elements to represent different emotions and character development in the novel. What emotions does each element connote? Fire = Water = Earth = Wind = When a certain idea/symbol repeats throughout a novel, it is called a motif
Wild Fire Read the extract describing the spread of the wild fire. For each quotation, complete the following: Highlight the keywords that could be further analysed when describing the symbolism of the fire Identify the technique/s used by Golding Comment on the purpose of the quotation – Why was it used? How does it describe the fire? What are the connotations of the key words?
What does the fire symbolise in Chapter 2? In Chapter 2, Golding uses the fire to symbolise… using... Evidence = Embed the keywords in a sentence Explanation = Explain how the evidence proves the point This reveals that the fire symbolises ____________ because... It also relates to the theme _______________, because... Language = What are the connotations of the keywords, and how do they relate to the point? What technique/structure is used, and for what purpose? Audience = What was Golding’s intention in using the fire to symbolise____? What was his intended impact?