Calculating Wave Speed


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Presentation transcript:

Calculating Wave Speed

Wave Speed v f λ

Practice Problem #1 What is the speed of a sound wave that has a wavelength of 2 m and a frequency of 170.5 Hz? v = f x λ 170.5 Hz x 2 m = 341 m/s

Practice Problem #2 A wave traveling in water has a frequency of 500 Hz and a wavelength of 3 m. What is the speed of the wave? v = f x λ 500 Hz x 3 m = 1,500 m/s

Practice Problem #3 The lowest-pitched sounds humans can hear have a frequency of 20 Hz. What is the wavelength of these sound waves if their wave speed is 340 m/s? λ = v / f 340 m/s / 20 Hz = 17 m

Practice Problem #4 The highest-pitched sound humans can hear have a wavelength of 0.017 m in air. What is the frequency of these sound waves if their wave speed is 340 m/s? f = v / λ 340 m/s / 0.017m = 20,000 Hz

Practice Problem #5 Calculate the frequency of a water wave that has a wavelength of 0.5 m and a speed of 4 m/s. f = v / λ 4 m/s / 0.5 m = 8 Hz

Practice Problem #6 An FM radio station broadcasts radio waves with a frequency of 100,000,000 Hz. What is the wavelength of these radio waves if they travel at a speed of 300,000 km/s? λ = v / f 300,000 km/s / 100,000,000 Hz = 0.003 km