Exhaust Emissions Light Duty-PMP-2017/2018 Sub23nm Round Robin
About the exercise Measurement of a LD GDI vehicle in 8 laboratories 3 cold WLTC, 5 hot WLTC, 1 steady speed test Objectives of the exercise is to uncertainties PMP-23nm and PMP-10nm, the need of a catalytic stripper (CS) and data for sub23nm APC 10 and , 23 nm cut-off, CS SPCS 10 nm cut-off, CS AM10 10 nm cut-off LabPMP TSI23 23 nm cut-off, SPCS TSI10 10 nm cut-off LabPMP
About the exercise Measurements conducted in 6 different laboratories Switzerland and Japan to be done Some problems with instruments and transportation Yet PN10 and PN23 Data with Heated Evaporation Tube and Catalytic Stripper (CS) from all of the laboratories (CS1 or CS2 ) Fuel (and other setup) transportation problems were always solved Until now only results from PMP vehicle The data shown is about variability between the laboratories
Average CO2 emission in (WLTP) Things to do: recheck labs normalization temperature To be solved Random order CO2 variability, normalized to mean (100) STD Lab1 Lab2 Lab3 Lab4 Lab5 Lab6 HOT 2% 100 99 98 104 COLD 1% 101 102 Emissions normalized to mean Reddish color |deviation| > std DRAFT
PMP (heated tube) PN23 variability WLTP COLD start AVE ± STD HOT start AVE ± STD PN Emissions normalized to mean Reddish color |deviation| > std Emissions normalized to mean, Lab5 background removed Cond. STD Lab2 Lab3 Lab4 Lab5 Lab6 COLD START 19% 95 128 110 82 86 HOT START 12% 106 117 93 99 DRAFT
PMP (heated tube) PN10 variability WLTC Issues with LabPMP PCRF
Emissions normalized to mean, Lab2 excluded PMP (heated tube) PN10 variability WLTC HOT start AVE ± STD COLD start Emissions normalized to mean, Lab2 excluded Cond. STD Lab2 Lab3 Lab4 Lab5 Lab6 COLD START 19% 243 113 101 114 72 HOT START 16% 549 109 96 116 79 DRAFT
CS1 PN variability WLTC CS1 23nm variability, WLTC Lab2 Lab3 Lab4 Lab5 condition STD Lab2 Lab3 Lab4 Lab5 Lab6 COLD START 16% 86 124 109 95 HOT START 12% 119 105 96 91 90 CS1 10nm variability, WLTC condition STD Lab2 Lab3 Lab4 Lab5 Lab6 COLD START 18% 78 114 107 117 85 HOT START 8% 113 103 100 93 92
Steady speeds DRAFT STD Lab2 Lab3 Lab4 Lab5 Lab6 2 100 98 99 104 3 102 CO2 variability Speed/gear STD Lab2 Lab3 Lab4 Lab5 Lab6 100/4 2 100 98 99 104 120/5 3 102 96 100/3 1 50/2 Things to do: recheck labs normalization temperature DRAFT
PN measurement variability between labs Steady speeds Issues with LabPMP PCRF, to be solved… Lab4 missing CS1 data PN measurement variability between labs Speed/ gear PMP23 STD CS 23 PMP10 CS 10 100/4 11% 13% 27% 14% 120/5 6% 10% 8% 100/3 4% 19% 5% 50/2 22% 7% Lab5 excluded due to background problem DRAFT
Conclusions 1/2 CO2 emissions so far 1% (cold) and 2% (hot WLTC) variability due to one lab (probably). Excluding this lab the variability decreases to <1% and <1%, respectively Also steady tests at the lab showed elevated CO2 Reason for the deviation unclear, to be solved PMP systems: WLTC: Variability of 10nm results (16-19%) similar with 23nm (21-23%) Steady: Variability of 10nm results (19-27%) higher than 23nm (5-11%) CS1 WLTC: Variability of 10nm results (8-18 %) similar with 23nm (12-16%) Steady: Variability of 10nm results (7-14%) similar with 23nm (6-13%) PMP 10nm variability higher than CS1 10nm in steadys Todo check if Lab2 PMP PCRF can be verified/corrected
Conclusions 2/2 PMP and CS1 systems comparison: WLTC and Steady: EMISSIONS Generally at the same level In one lab PCRF problem, and in another background problem CS1 23nm (absolute) levels a bit lower than PMP23nm CS1 10nm (absolute) levels a bit higher than PMP10nm
Next… Some details to be verified from labs: recheck results. Analysis continued: Sub23nm, CS2, cycle phases Exercise continues Switzerland this month Then all instruments collected to JRC, maintenance if needed Then Japan
Any questions? Tero Lähde, Barouch Gieckhaskiel, Giorgio Martini Tero.LAHDE@ec.europa.eu, +39 0 332 785 449 Barouch.GIECHASKIEL@ec.europa.eu, +39 0 332 785 312, Giorgio.MARTINI@ec.europa.eu, +39 0 332 789 293