Water Issues in Australia Foreign Studies B/Academic English B 6 December 2016
(Who needs/uses water?) Lecture Outline Causes of water shortage in Australia Investigating water usage and water problems from the viewpoint of three important stake holders (利害関係者): 1. 2. 3. (Who needs/uses water?)
Lecture Outline Causes of water shortage in Australia Investigating water usage and water problems from the viewpoint of three important stake holders (利害関係者): 1. Agriculture (and other industries) 2. Households (people) 3. The Environment (Australia’s most important river system, the Murray Darling River Basin)
Lecture Outline Causes of water shortage in Australia Investigating water usage and water problems from the viewpoint of three important stake holders (利害関係者): 1. Agriculture (and other industries) 2. Households (people) 3. The Environment (Australia’s most important river system, the Murray Darling River Basin)
Part 1
Water Shortage – Causes 1.
1 Percentage of mean annual rainfall 1998-99 to 2000-01 VS 2002-03 to 2004-05 1998-99 to 2000-01 2002-03 to 2004-05 From 4610.0 Water Account, Australia, 2004-05, ABS
Percentage of mean annual rainfall 2008–09 VS 2009–10 From 4610.0 Water Account, Australia, 2009-10, ABS
From 1301.0 – Year Book Australia, 2012, ABS (Environment, Water)
Water Shortage – Causes Variable rainfall (dams in wrong places) Long periods of no rainfall = __________ 3. 4. Water shortage
Water Shortage – Causes Variable rainfall (dams in wrong places) Long periods of no rainfall = drought 3. 4. Water shortage
Water Shortage – Causes Variable rainfall (dams in wrong places) Long periods of no rainfall = drought Naturally dry environment Overuse of water resources Climate Change / Global Warming Water shortage
Water Shortage – Causes Variable rainfall (dams in wrong places) Long periods of no rainfall = drought Naturally dry environment Overuse of water resources Climate Change / Global Warming Water shortage How to prepare for a future with limited water?
Part 2
Part 2 Who consumes water the most in Australia? What patterns in water consumption can we see between 2000-2014?
4610.0 Water Account, Australia, 2004-05, ABS
Water Consumption, Australia, 2008-2014 5 Water Consumption, Australia, 2008-2014 4610.0 Water Account, Australia, 2013-14, ABS
Part 2 Who consumes water the most in Australia? What patterns in water consumption can we see between 2000-2014?
The Agricultural Industry
The Agricultural Industry What happens if the agriculture industry doesn’t have enough water?
The Agricultural Industry 6 The Agricultural Industry Water Shortage/ Drought Decrease in crop harvests Affects farms & farmers Affects related businesses Affects employment Affects regional economies Affects the national economy Affects export partners
The Agricultural Industry
The Agricultural Industry Inefficient / Over-use of water
The Agricultural Industry Inefficient / Over-use of water Irrigation
Sources of Agricultural Water 7 Sources of Agricultural Water 4618.0 Water Use On Australian Farms, 2013-2014, ABS
The Agricultural Industry Inefficient / Over-use of water Irrigation
The Agricultural Industry Inefficient / Over-use of water Irrigation Solution: Improving irrigation systems and methods Using reuse (grey) water Researching ways to grow more food with less water Changing crops
Households Where do households use (waste) the most water?
Households What happens if households don’t have enough water?
Households Solutions for water wastage in households:
Households Solutions for water wastage in households: Water restrictions
Water Restrictions – Examples 9 Water Restrictions – Examples
Water Restrictions
Households Solutions for water wastage in households: Water restrictions Rebate programs (e.g. encouraging households to install rainwater tanks & grey water (reuse water) systems)
Rainwater Tanks
Grey water (reuse water) systems
Grey water (reuse water) systems
Grey water (reuse water) systems
SOURCES OF WATER FOR HOUSEHOLDS 10 SOURCES OF WATER FOR HOUSEHOLDS 4613.0 – Australia’s Environment: Issues and Trends, Jan 2010 (Water Conservation)
HOUSEHOLDS WITH A RAINWATER TANK, 2007 11 HOUSEHOLDS WITH A RAINWATER TANK, 2007 Source: ABS, 2007, Environmental Issues: People's Views and Practices, March 2007 (cat. no. 4602.0). REASONS WHY HOUSEHOLD INSTALLED A RAINWATER TANK, 2007 4613.0 – Australia’s Environment: Issues and Trends, Jan 2010 (Water Conservation)
HOUSEHOLD USE OF GREY WATER, 2007 GREY WATER AS THE MAIN SOURCE OF WATER FOR THE GARDEN, 2007 4613.0 – Australia’s Environment: Issues and Trends, Jan 2010 (Water Conservation)
Households Solutions for water wastage in households: Water restrictions Rebate programs (e.g. encouraging households to install rainwater tanks & grey water (reuse water) systems) Installation of water conservation devices
Water Conservation Devices
HOUSEHOLDS WITH WATER CONSERVATION DEVICES Source: ABS, 2007, Environmental Issues: People's Views and Practices, March 2007 (cat. no. 4602.0). 4613.0 – Australia’s Environment: Issues and Trends, Jan 2010 (Water Conservation)
Households Solutions for water wastage in households: Water restrictions Rebate programs (e.g. encouraging households to install rainwater tanks & grey water (reuse water) systems) Installation of water conservation devices National water efficiency standards (indicate water efficiency of household appliances)
Water Efficiency Labels
Water Efficiency Labels
Collaboration between government, consumers and business Households Solutions for water wastage in households: Water restrictions Rebate programs (e.g. encouraging households to install rainwater tanks & grey water (reuse water) systems) Installation of water conservation devices National water efficiency standards (indicate water efficiency of household appliances) Collaboration between government, consumers and business
The Environment
The Environment What happens when a river suffers from a “water shortage”?
The Environment Increasingly more understanding and concern about the health of rivers, and the effect of water shortages on the environment:
The Environment Increasingly more understanding and concern about the health of rivers, and the effect of water shortages on the environment: Rivers can “die” (irreversible damage to river bed chemistry) Increased salinity content Affects flora and fauna
The Environment Solution?
The Environment Solution? “Returning” water to the environment through the Murray-Darling Basin Plan
The Murray-Darling River Basin Most important & biggest river system Australia’s most important food-producing region (Australia’s “Food Bowl”) Runs through 4 states and 1 territory
Water Storage in the Murray-Darling Basin July 2000 to June 2006 14 Water Storage in the Murray-Darling Basin July 2000 to June 2006 From the Year Book Australia 2009 - 2010
The Murray-Darling River Basin Solution: Murray-Darling Basin Plan Returning 2750 gigalitres of water to the river system
The Murray-Darling River Basin Solution: Murray-Darling Basin Plan Returning 2750 gigalitres of water to the river system How do we “return water” to the environment?
The Murray-Darling River Basin Solution: Murray-Darling Basin Plan Returning 2750 gigalitres of water to the river system How do we “return water” to the environment? Improving irrigation infrastructure Buying water from irrigators and farmers
The Murray-Darling River Basin Solution: Murray-Darling Basin Plan Returning 2750 gigalitres of water to the river system How do we “return water” to the environment? Improving irrigation infrastructure Buying water from irrigators and farmers Moving water from agriculture to the environment
The Murray-Darling River Basin Solution: Murray-Darling Basin Plan Returning 2750 gigalitres of water to the river system But, there are problems… …different perspectives among the various stakeholders
The Murray Darling River Basin Solution: Murray Darling Basin Plan Returning 2750 gigalitres of water to the river system But… there are problems… Environmentalists/States: Farmers/States: “It’s not enough! We need to return more water to the environment.” “Whose water will be returned? How will it affect our businesses and communities?”
The Murray Darling River Basin Solution: Murray Darling Basin Plan Returning 2750 gigalitres of water to the river system But… there are problems… Environmentalists/States: Farmers/States: “It’s not enough! We need to return more water to the environment.” “Whose water will be returned? How will it affect our businesses and communities?”
The Murray Darling River Basin Solution: Murray Darling Basin Plan Returning 2750 gigalitres of water to the river system But… there are problems… Environmentalists/States: Farmers/States: “It’s not enough! We need to return more water to the environment.” “Whose water will be returned? How will it affect our businesses and communities?” Recent research is suggesting that some communities have been negatively affected by the Plan (e.g. increase in unemployment)
Concluding thoughts…
Selected References Northern Basin Review: Technical Overview of the Socioeconomic Analysis – Interim Report, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Australian Government, October 2016 ABS 4613.0 – Australia’s Environment: Issues and Trends, Jan 2010 (Water Conservation) ABS 4618.0 – Water Use On Australian Farms, 2013-2014 ABS 4610.0 – Water Account, Australia, 2013-2014 ABS 1301.0 – Year Book Australia, 2012 (Environment, Water) ABS 4610.0 – Water Account, Australia, 2012-13 ABS 4610.0 – Water Account, Australia, 2009-10 Plain English Summary of the Proposed Basin Plan—including explanatory notes, November 2011, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Australian Government http://www.savewater.com.au/products/product-labelling; http://www.savewater.com.au/products/rebates-incentives ABS 4613.0 – Australia’s Environment: Issues and Trends, 2007 (Esp. Feature Article: Water in Australia) ABS 4613.0 – Australia’s Environment: Issues and Trends, 2006 ABS 1301.0 – Year Book Australia, 2003 (Esp. Environmental views and behaviour) ABS 4610.0 – Water Account, Australia, 2004-05 ABS 1301.0 Year Book Australia 2009-2010 “Can Australia Overcome its Water Scarcity Problems?”, Colin Chartres and John Williams, Journal of Developments in Sustainable Agriculture 1: 17-24, 2006 Australian Government, National Water Commission, http://www.nwc.gov.au www.environment.gov.au/water/australia/index.html