The girl ate enough perch for lunch.
The bird and turtle walked toward the pond.
What is the first word on her list?
The whole herd was in the third pen.
Dad fixed the curb by the fir tree a long time ago.
The surf was above Kirk’s head.
The dog’s whole head was full of curly fur.
Plant the fern toward the curve of the garden.
The robin chirped in the birch tree above us.
The nurse lost her purse and hat a long time ago.
Stir the pancake batter enough, but do not hurry.
She tried to offer a kind word to her hurt friend.
Have they served enough water to drink, or are you still thirsty?
We walked toward the clerk who was behind the shirt counter.
The teacher said to turn the paper over and write one spelling word in the circle.
A long time ago, the circus came to our city and set up a huge purple tent.
The river rose above its banks and flooded the church with swirling water.
Dad cooked a whole turkey with stuffing and didn’t burn it!