Core Values of a Timberwolf Compassion Respect Integrity Responsibility
Students, please rise for the flag salute: “I pledge allegiance…..”
It’s Thursday, March 22– What’s for LUNCH?? Mini Corndogs Chicken Burger or Veggie Burger Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza Deli Sandwiches
What’s happening this week? SKYWARD UPDATED FOR MID QUARTER Thurs – Regular Schedule Last day to buy Dance Tickets Basketball Playoffs Fri – Regular Schedule DANCE 3:10-5:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coming Up: Saturday Wrestling Matches
Dance around the world Date: TOMORROW Time: 3:10-5:00 Tickets $5.00 without ASB and $3.00 with ASB Purchase TODAY! Tickets not sold Friday. Bring your money to buy snacks, drinks, awesome airplane lollipops, and pictures of you and your friends!
Mystery Attendance Challenge drawing will be held at all lunches on Friday the 23rd of March!
Quote of the Day 3/22/18
Have a Great Day!