V.G.A Background Addiction There are people around the world who play Video Games all day and night. I understand that it may be fun and amusing but, it may be unhealthy for both your body and mental health. I know your probably thinking how can Video Games affect you but there are many secrets, twist and turns to it. Just remember have fun but watch how long your playing !
N ETIQUETTE SUMMARY Netiquette comes from the combination of the words network and etiquette. A network is a collection of computers and devices that are connected enabling communication. Etiquette is a code of behavior according to contemporary and conventional norms. As the internet has grown so has the use of the word netiquette. It is synonymous with internet etiquette. Netiquette is learned in America and taught worldwide. The basic rule of netiquette is to use good manners while communicating via the internet. The concepts of netiquette includes remembering to be human by not doing things online that you would never do or say in reality and helping others learn how to use the internet by answering questions whenever you can. There are 2 types of rules. The general rules of netiquette are ones that apply to the internet in general. Network specific rules of netiquette are rules that only apply to the network you are communicating on. Everyone who uses the internet uses netiquette whether or not it is good or bad because netiquette is how you communicate on the internet.
W HAT S IN YOUR COMPUTER There are many components that make up your computer. In your computer there is a CPU, motherboard, hard drive, optical drive, RAM, video card, power supply, cooling fan, and a computer case to keep it all together.
C OOLING F AN A cooling fan cools down the computer when the computer gets heated from the many different hard wares that are running inside the computer.
C OMPUTER C ASE A computer cases is the enclosure that contains most of the components of a computer.
CPU The (CPU) or central processing unit is where most of the calculations happen inside the computer.
H ARD D RIVE Hard drives reads, writes, and copy computer data. They come in many different memory storage.
M OTHERBOARD The motherboard is also known as the system board or main board. principal board that has connectors for attaching devices to the bus.
O PTICAL D RIVE Optical drives stores and retrieve data onto disc. Some examples are CDs, DVDs, Erasable, and WORMs.
P OWER S UPPLY Also known as (PSU) the power supply supplies power for the computer. It also regulates the voltage to eliminate spikes and surges
RAM RAM is the most common type of computer memory. It can be randomly assessed, which is when any byte of memory is accessed without touching the preceding bytes.
V IDEO C ARD A board that plugs into a computer to give it display capabilities. The most basic modes that it offer are graphic and text.
W HAT I S O NE S IGN O F G AME A DDICTION ? Going out with friends a lot? Playing games with friends? Thinking about gaming when doing other activities? Watching TV a lot?
S ORRY Y OU G OT I T WRONG ! :( Just Try Again
W HAT ARE SOME OF THE DANGERS OF A CHILD PLAYING 4-5 HOURS OF VIDEO GAMES A DAY ? They Start Getting Good Grades In School ? All Of There Focus Is Into Games? They Want Parents To Buy More Games? The Virtual World Start Interfere With There Real Life?
S ORRY Y OU G OT I T WRONG ! :( Just Try Again
W HAT GROUP IF PEOPLE MAKE UP THE MAJORITY OF VIDEO GAME ADDICTS ? Game Creators? Teens And Adults? Younger Kids? All The Above?
S ORRY Y OU G OT I T WRONG ! :( Just Try Again
W HAT DO PEOPLE DO TO OVERCOME THEIR VIDEO GAME ADDICTION ? Go To Rehab ? Do Other Activities Instead Of Playing Games? Play Educational Games Go Out With Friends?
S ORRY Y OU G OT I T WRONG ! :( Just Try Again
W HAT DOES WOW STAND FOR ? Wonder Outgoing Worlds? World Of WarCraft ? Which One Works ? Why Oh Why?
S ORRY Y OU G OT I T WRONG ! :( Just Try Again
C ONGRATULATIONS ! : ) Go Back To Game Board
W HAT IS THE TERM CALLED THAT KEEPS THE COMPUTER TEMPERATURE UNDER CONTROL ? Cooling fan Motherboard Air conditioner Computer cooler
C ONGRATULATIONS ;-) Go back to the game board.
SORRY Try the question again.
W HAT IS AN EXAMPLE OF AN OPTICAL DRIVE ? Flash drive CDs Floppy disk Radio
C ONGRATULATIONS ;-) Go back to the game board. Go back to the game board.
SORRY Try the question again.
W HAT DOES THE TERM CPU STAND FOR ? Central Processing Utility Center Point Unit Cafe Paper Utensil Central Processing Unit
C ONGRATULATIONS ;-) Go back to the game board.
SORRY Try the question again. Try the question again
W HAT IS A SYNONYM FOR RAM? Bull Power Memory Nucleus
C ONGRATULATIONS ;-) Go back to the game board.
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W HAT ARE THE MAIN PARTS INSIDE OF A COMPUTER ? Screen, Neck, Base, and Wires. Wires, Mouse, Control buttons, Internet, Video card, and Microsoft. Wires, Mouse, Control buttons, Internet, Video card, and Microsoft. Motherboard, Power supply, CPU, Screen, Keyboard, and DVD player.Motherboard, Power supply, CPU, Screen, Keyboard, and DVD player. Cooling fan, Computer case, CPU, Hard drive, Motherboard, Optical drive, Power supply, RAM, and Video Card. Cooling fan, Computer case, CPU, Hard drive, Motherboard, Optical drive, Power supply, RAM, and Video Card.
C ONGRATULATIONS ;-) Go back to the game board. Go back to the game board.
SORRY Try the question again. Try the question again
WHAT S THE BASIC RULE OF NETIQUETTE A. use good manners while communicating via the internet A. use good manners while communicating via the internet B. remembering to have fun while online C. never give out personal information D. Remembering to remain human
S ORRY, TRY AGAIN Try the question again
WHAT ARE THE CONCEPTS OF NETIQUETTE A. To be safe online at all times B. not doing things online that you would never do or say in reality B. not doing things online that you would never do or say in reality C. helping others learn how to use the internet C. helping others learn how to use the internet D. Both b and c
S ORRY, TRY AGAIN Try the question again
WHAT ARE THE TWO TYPES OF RULES OF NETIQUETTE A. General and basic B. Advanced and beginners C. General and Network specific D. Network specific and basic
S ORRY, TRY AGAIN Try the question again
WHO USES NETIQUETTE A. Only people who act good while on the internet A. Only people who act good while on the internet B. Everyone who uses the internet C. Only people who act bad while on the internet C. Only people who act bad while on the internet D. People who use the internet all the time
S ORRY, TRY AGAIN Try the question again
W HERE IN THE WORLD IS NETIQUETTE TAUGHT AND / OR LEARNED A. World wide B. Only in America C. Only outside America D. All of the above
C ONGRATULATIONS YOU ARE CORRECT Go back to game board Go back to game board
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