Run4 fK+K- analysis update


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Presentation transcript:

Run4 fK+K- analysis update Dipali Pal Vanderbilt University Light/Heavy PWG meeting June 2, 2005

Dataset Minimum-bias CNT files Used both ++ and -- field runs from stripe 1-3. |bbcz| < 30 cm Nevt = 85M (++ field) = 55M (-- field) Standard single and pair cuts. (CabanaBoy)

Data MC fiducial region studies: TOF – TOF (++ field, positive tracks) Before After For details of fiducial matches please see Charlie’s slides in June 6 Global/Hadron Meeting. Need to re-address the issues with Dch dead channel map.

Data MC fiducial region studies: TOF – TOF (++ field, negative tracks) Before After

Data MC fiducial region studies: TOF – TOF (-- field, positive tracks) Before After

Data MC fiducial region studies: TOF – TOF (-- field, negative tracks) Before After

TOF – TOF mT spectra (++ field runs) Used the same embedding and run-by-run efficiencies as Run2.

TOF – TOF mT spectra (-- field runs) Used the same embedding and run-by-run efficiencies as Run2.

Comparison of Minimum bias mT spectra between Run2 and Run4

Run2 and Run4 dN/dy and T: TOF-TOF Run2 Run4(++ field) Run4(-- field) MB 1.162 +/- 0.169 0.998 +/- 0.147 1.002 +/- 0.199 0-10% 3.112 +/- 1.138 4.375 +/- 1.634 5.222 +/- 1.782 10 – 40% 1.972 +/- 0.320 1.368 +/- 0.251 1.445 +/- 0.350 40 – 90% 0.247 +/- 0.055 0.234 +/- 0.446 0.279 +/- 0.079 MB 380 +/- 18 353 +/- 15 353 +/- 20 0-10% 396 +/- 48 313 +/- 32 319 +/- 29 10-40% 375 +/- 19 369 +/- 19 363 +/- 25 40-90% 385 +/- 32 367 +/- 21 328 +/- 27 T (MeV)

Summary Fiducial acceptance in data and MC is being studied. -- First version of fiducial cuts applied. -- TOF shows substantial mismatch between data and MC (See Charlie’s presentation in June 6 Global/hadron PWG). -- There are still issues related to Dch dead channel map. dN/dy and T has been extracted from TOF-TOF combination in both ++ and – field runs. dN/dy and T are consistent between ++ and – field runs.