Practical Previews OSL apparatus labcasts with hands-on introductory activities Issue: Practical work can be a source of anxiety, particularly for students with disabilities Solution: Open up access to apparatus so students (with and without disabilities) can try it for themselves before module start Benefit to students: Help motivate and prepare students for practical work in their future modules Benefit to module teams: Pre-module intervention enables the university identify and address the need for adjustments or additional support for individual students with disabilities XRD – X-RAY POWDER DIFFRACTION Image source:
Practical Previews OSL apparatus labcasts with hands-on introductory activities Example apparatus: virtual microscopes, observatories, electron microscope, on-screen experiments, … Introductory labcast to demonstrate apparatus and relate it to specific module activities and/or career paths Follow-up with access to the apparatus (for one week) to complete a 30 minute hands-on activity Support forum facilitated by a subject specialist and an accessibility advisor SEM – SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE Image source:
Practical Previews OpenSTEM Lab apparatus labcasts with hands-on introductory activities Trevor Collins (KMi), Vic Pearson (SPS), Kate Lister (LTI), Elaine McPherson (EEES), Anne-Marie Gallen (E&I), Chetz Colwell (LTI) and Kate Bradshaw (SWIM) The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK Contact: @incstemproject @OU_STEM