Cult Film Analysis
cult film: A film that has acquired a cult following cult film: A film that has acquired a cult following. Cult films are known for their dedicated, passionate fanbase, an elaborate subculture that engage in repeated viewings, quoting dialogue, and audience participation deviant culture: Culture that deviates from mainstream culture mainstream culture: Regarded as the most typical, normal, and conventional because they belong to the same group or system as most others of their kind
Was debuted in 1968 This film is considered a deviant cult film because the zombie was a new and very different ‘monster’. there was tons of gore and lots of very scary scenes like when the daughter of fahrhfa became a zombie and then killed her mom. This was most likely a shocker to many audiences and this lead to it becoming a cult film.
One of the biggest things that differentiates this movie from the rest is that it had a black lead. The black lead also dies last, which is surprising because normally black cast members die like cars explode in action movies. This could potentially be another reason why this is such a cul film. It puts a person who was not accepted by society into the main role. This exemplifies the theme of being different from mainstream society.
Was debuted in 1975 This film is considered a deviant cult film because of the risque nature of this film. Scenes such as the “touch-a touch-a me”, showcase extremely sexualized themes
These characters are left on the outside of society for these reasons These characters are left on the outside of society for these reasons. Dr. Frank-N- Furter’s house is on the outskirts of the city and is only found when the couple Brad and Janet are lost. the characters are literally on the outside of society. This accentuates the idea of the transvestite being pushed out of society in the 1960’s.
Was debuted in 1986 This film is considered a deviant cult film because it tackles the supposed deviance of ditching school and challenging authority. ferris does highlight the fact that authority is scared of rebellion. The dean actually states the line below and it emphasises the theme of rebellion. “What is so dangerous about a character like Ferris Bueller is he gives good kids bad ideas. Last thing I need at this point in my career is 1,500 Ferris Bueller disciples running around these halls. He jeopardizes my ability to effectively govern this student body.” ~ Ed Rooney
Ferris, with the help of his best friend, manages to release his girlfriend from school. This showcases the prevalent theme of challenge the authority. Most rebellions tackle the problem of authority. This one is no different.
Was debuted in 2004 This film is considered a deviant cult film because it's weird. All the other films are different in a unique way but this one is just out there. This is the actual reason why it is so popular. It is hilarious in a weird way. The weirdest thing is that the family has a pet llama. Her name is Tina.
One thing you cannot not talk about in this movie is the fact that the weird kids beat out the popular kids for class president. During the speeches for class president the people runners have to have a skit ready, so Napoleon gets the courage to perform his dance. This just shows that even the weird kids have a chance at winning. Being on the edge of society like Napoleon is, yet him having the courage to go against the social norms and help his friends highlight the mixing of the deviant and mainstream culture. Link to the dance: