LTP 2-2: Moral Courage: Honor Current As Of: 5/22/2013
Purpose The company will be able to Objective 1: describe key characteristics of “honor.” Objective 2: discuss the responsibility of a leader to make sure that official reports are accurate. “Trust but Verify” – Report what you Know Objective 3: explore possible ways to have the courage to provide accurate reports and help each other deal with “problems.”
At an accountability formation, a person was missing At an accountability formation, a person was missing. Friends knew that the person was “going through things”… What would you do? …report the person absent or wait to report? Note to TAC – create poll ( prior to distribution for each company so that real data is available for the session.
“Where community exists, it confers upon its members identity, a sense of belonging, a measure of security.” In return, “the individual gives something back – at the very least, allegiance and some measure of commitment to the society…That’s the deal. You are free within a framework of obligations – to your family, to loved ones, to community, nation, and species.” John Gardner quoted in the Moral Courage Leader’s Guide, p. 66
Take-Aways Official reports are there for good reasons and making sure they are accurate is important. Honor begins at Home – Be Courageous The Citadel is a family -- Honor among classmates Honor in the Company Honor in the Corps Honor in life beyond the Lesesne Gate You should want to create the best family life possible. What if covering for someone meant that they didn’t get help they needed? By holding your classmates accountable you are showing you care about the long term impact of everyone’s actions.
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