Feudal M&Ms
The Roles
Four You are the peasant, a member of a traditional class of farmers, either laborers or owners of small farms. In Europe, peasants were divided into three classes according to their personal status: slave, serf, and freeman.
Three A knight is a person granted an honorary title of knighthood by a monarch or other political leader for service to the monarch or country, especially in a military capacity. During the High Middle Ages, knighthood was considered a class of lower nobility.
Two Nobility is a social class which possesses more acknowledged privileges or eminence than members of most other classes in a society, membership therein typically being hereditary. Nobility is mostly a closed caste, though occasionally commoners ascend into the aristocracy.
One The kings held this land by what they believed was "divine right", the right to rule granted by God and then passed on through heredity.
Since the peasants were paying for their protection with their crops, the vassals (knights) confiscate six M&M's from each peasant.
2. From each peasant's payment, the vassal is to keep one piece and give five to his lord, the noble.
3. From each vassal's payment of fidelity, or loyalty, the noble is to keep two pieces and give three candies to the king.
In the early medieval period, the rights of man were not a major concern; survival was. For discussion: How do you feel about the results? What need would the nobles and king have for all that food and material? What choice did the peasants have? Who was above the king? Why did feudalism work?
How do you feel about the results? For discussion: How do you feel about the results?
For discussion: What need would the nobles and king have for all that food and material?
What choice did the peasants have? Who was above the king? For discussion: What choice did the peasants have? Who was above the king?
For discussion: Why did feudalism work?