Molecular hydrogen in mantle minerals Yang et al. Molecular hydrogen in mantle minerals Figure S-1 Polarised FTIR spectra for the quantification of OH in orthopyroxene, including the starting crystal, the blank run, the solubility run, the 1st stage H2 dissolution run and the 2nd stage H2 oxidation run. All spectra were normalised to 1 cm thickness. Figure S-1 Polarised FTIR spectra for the quantification of OH in orthopyroxene, including the starting crystal, the blank run, the solubility run, the 1st stage H2 dissolution run and the 2nd stage H2 oxidation run. All spectra were normalised to 1 cm thickness. Yang et al. (2016) Geochem. Persp. Let. 2, 160-168 | doi: 10.7185/geochemlet.1616 © 2016 European Association of Geochemistry