Magmatic Phases - I
Magmatic Phases - II
Conceptual Models of Silicate Melts From Carmichael et al. 1974
Specific Volume of Pure Water Geothermal Gradient Critical Point From Burnham et al., 1969
Specific Volume of Water vs. Pressure specific volume = 1 / r 0.1 g/cm3 rmagma = 2.2 g/cm3
Magmatic Volatile Reservoirs PH2O < Pf Px = Py = Pz Isostatic = Lithostatic pressure
Water Solubility vs. Pressure “Cold-Seal” bomb Pressure medium Platinum capsule: contains melt + dissolved volatiles To pump to increase pressure From Moore et al., 1998
Depolymerization of Silicate Melts
Speciation of Water in Silicate Melts H2O + O2- = 2OH- in melt in melt From Silver et al., 1990
CO2 Solubility in Silicate Melts aSiO2
Pressure Effects on Volatile-rich Systems
Volatiles and Eruptions
Explosive Eruptions