Name Other Candidate Publications Research Plan Teaching Research Area Keywords: Potential tenure home department(s): Name Instructions: (replace all italicized text with your entries) Adjust borders & spacing as needed Re-name file: lastname_firstname_hl.pptx MUST FIT ON ONE SLIDE – BE CONCISE Delete this box Candidate BS: Discipline, University, Date MS: Discipline, University, Date Ph.D.: Discipline, University, Date, Advisor(s) Post-Doc/other: Discipline, University, Dates, Advisor(s) Most Significant Contributions to the Field: brief description including journals Total Research publications: ____ Publications (peer-reviewed research, published or accepted) Total First Author pubs: ____ Publications (peer-reviewed research, published or accepted) Total Other publications: ____ Publications (reviews, etc., published or accepted) Total in Pipeline: ____ Publications (submitted or in revision) Publications Google Scholar Link Research Objectives: Brief description of objectives/goals of your proposed research Research Impact: Brief description of innovation and impact of proposed research Potential Collaborators: Names and affiliations Research Plan Teaching and Mentoring experience: Preferred undergrad courses: Preferred grad courses: Leadership/Awards/Recognition Other Teaching