Meaning: Break or burst Vocabulary Root: RUPT Meaning: Break or burst
1. Abrupt Sudden and unexpected The hockey player came to an abrupt stop.
2. Rupture To burst or break open (usually a body part) The hockey player was checked so hard that it caused his spleen to rupture.
3. Corrupt Evil; dishonest The police officer was very corrupt, he took bribes from criminals.
4. Bankrupt financially ruined PacSun is going bankrupt the store will no longer exist soon.
5. Disrupt To break up; to cause confusion The car alarm was loud enough to disrupt Ken’s sleep.
6. Erupt To explode, to break out with force The volcano is about to erupt!
7. Interrupt To break someone’s conversation or thoughts Jack wanted to interrupt Donna’s phone call to ask if he could go on break.
8. Disruption Something that breaks someone’s concentration; annoying The class’s talking is a constant disruption to the studious environment.
ACAMDEMIC WORDS The words we see in our everyday school lives.
9. Hypothesize If you hypothesize about something you say what will happen or be proven true Before doing research it is good to hypothesize about what you think you will find based on the information you had at the time.
10. Predict If you predict something you say that you think it will happen. Make a prediction about what you think will happen at the end of Crash.