First ideas on the Register of Registers Daniele Francioli, Emanuela Epure, Michael Lutz 4th MIWP-6 meeting, 24 April 2015
Register of Registers (RoR) The RoR will only store references to the assets Each stakeholder has to register its own Registry in the RoR (to reference all of the extended assets) Each stakeoholder can decide whether to put a specific Register in the federation In order to register Items coming from a specific Register, that Register shall be registered in the federation The extension of an Item (or of an entire Register) is simply specified by storing: the URI of the extended element; the URI of the extender; the reference to the Register (or Registry) previously registered in the RoR.
Register of Registers (RoR) – Examples RegisteredAsset ID URI Type Parent http://ror.example/asset/1 http://registry.italy.example Registry http://ror.example/asset/2 http://registry.italy.example/codelist Register http://ror.example/asset/3 http://registry.italy.example/theme http://ror.example/asset/4 http://registry.italy.example/codelist/SoilPlotTypeValue Item ExtensionInformation ID extension asset extended asset http://ror.example/extension/1 http://ror.example/asset/4 http://ror.example/extension/2 http://ror.example/extension/3 http://ror.example/asset/3
Register of Registers – API (RESTful) Adding assets & extensions HTTP PUT http://RoR.example/asset/ <Asset Description> HTTP PUT http://RoR.example/extension/ <Extension Description> Retrieving assets & extensions HTTP GET http://RoR.example/asset/<asset-id> HTTP GET http://RoR.example/asset/<extension-id> Removing assets & extensions HTTP DELETE http://RoR.example/asset/<asset-id> HTTP DELETE http://RoR.example/extension/<extension-id>