VIND – Officer Training Squadron Membership Officer April 17, 2011
It Starts in the Classroom A Regular Membership is offered upon passing the CPS Boating Course with the related dues waived for the first year An Associate Membership is offered upon passing a CPS PCOC Course with the related dues waived for the first year
It Starts in the Classroom Therefore attendance by the Membership Officer in the classroom is essential during: Registration night A night when a presentation on CPS is made Or as often as necessary to answer questions on membership Don’t forget to inform students about the many courses and seminars CPS has to offer Inform them of all the benefits of Membership
Upon Successful Course Completion Ensure Certificates of Qualification are obtained on a timely basis for presentation to new Members Ensure all new Members: Receive National, District and Squadron publications Receive their membership cards, and That their names are placed on all appropriate distribution lists Ensure they are made aware of Squadron functions Keep their interest while their enthusiasm is still active At functions they should be greeted with enthusiasm and introduced to other members They should NOT be left alone
Ongoing Membership Duties Keep and maintain membership records which include: Names, addresses, telephone numbers, email address Grades and courses completed Membership type Boat information (type, name, MMSI, etc.) Assist members by encouraging them to maintain their profiles within WBAS Some Squadrons have their membership perform many of the actual WBAS modifications for their members
Ongoing Membership Duties Establish a program for contacting Members whose renewals of membership are not received promptly and encourage these persons to renew Process applications for transfers, reinstatement, etc. Advise appropriate Squadron Officers of members dropped from membership E.g. Newsletter mailings, phoning committee, etc.
Ongoing Membership Duties Prepare membership reports to Squadron Bridge and provide recommendations on all matters relating to membership Where possible attend District meetings
Membership Retention Become familiar with the Membership Retention Handbook