Oakland County mutual aid association Mutual aid BOX ALARM SYSTEM Troy Fire Dept. Presentation
MABAS Overview Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS) is a mutual aid organization that has been in existence since the late 1960s. Heavily rooted throughout northern Illinois, MABAS includes over 1500 member fire departments organized within 100 divisions.
MABAS Overview Since 9/11, MABAS has rapidly grown throughout the State of Illinois and Wisconsin, and parts of Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, and now Michigan. Day-to-day MABAS extra alarms are systematically designed to provide efficient response of emergency resources to the stricken community during an ongoing emergency.
MABAS Overview MABAS is a unique organization in that every participating MABAS agency has signed the same contract with their counterpart MABAS agencies. As a MABAS agency, a department agrees to: standards of operation incident command minimal equipment staffing safety and accountability on-scene terminology
MABAS Overview Theoretically, MABAS agencies, regardless of their geopolitical origin, are able to work together seamlessly on any emergency scene. All MABAS agencies are activated for response through pre-designed response cards each participating agency designs and tailors to meet their local risk need. MABAS also provides mutual aid station coverage to a stricken community when their Fire/EMS resources are committed to an incident for an extended period of time.
MABAS - OCMAA The Oakland County (Fire) Mutual Aid Association has adopted MABAS for inter-department mutual aid within Oakland County. Each participating agency has developed MABAS response cards and obtained agreement from assisting agencies for their local response in the event mutual aid is needed. A timely response is expected from participating departments. Each responding apparatus shall have: The capability to maintain radio comms with other jurisdictions Standard number of personnel with accountability tags
MABAS Terminology In order to avoid confusion and delay, standard terminology and procedures must be followed. By using these terms and procedures routinely within our own department, they will come naturally when needed for MABAS.
MABAS Definitions
MABAS Card Definitions Station Alarm: Single unit response from a single station. Full Alarm: Multi-unit response from a single station. In Troy, Station & Full may be used interchangeably. Box Alarm: Multi-unit response from two stations. A Box Alarm would be an initial two-station response to a structure fire, or a Full response (one station) that requires additional help, e.g., an initial smoke investigation that is upgraded to a structure fire. 2nd to 5th Alarm: Additional Full response to the initial Box Alarm.
MABAS Card This first edition of the MABAS card is intended for large-scale fire incidents. These cards are prepared in a spreadsheet format. By using standard terminology, the Incident Commander (IC) and dispatcher will not have to decide or remember who to call when additional resources are needed. Dispatchers are to reference these cards for multiple alarm requests.
MABAS Card Each department has agreed to their participation as listed on another agency’s MABAS card. Consideration has been given to the type and location of resources, and the order in which they will be called. At a large incident requiring more resources, the IC will simply request the appropriate level of alarm to the dispatcher who will reference the MABAS card and dispatch the appropriate assignment. Oakland County Dispatch is to be notified on multiple alarms An IC still has the option, however, of requesting single or specialized resources as needed. The IC, however, must avoid piecemealing an additional alarm. Better to call for an additional alarm and stage responding units.
MABAS Card The MABAS card is divided into two main categories – Local Dispatch Information and Oakland County MABAS. In Troy, local dispatch info is routinely obtained through the CLEMIS CAD system in lieu of the card. When a 2nd alarm or greater is required, however, the Oakland County portion of the MABAS card must be referenced.
MABAS Card The local dispatch center will notify the division dispatch center (Oakland County Dispatch) on MABAS_D of all multi-alarm fires who will in-turn notify affected area departments on MABAS_D. Other area departments can check the affected card to see if their resources are due on the next alarm. Additionally, OCD must be contacted for specialized resources as listed on the MABAS card, e.g., Haz Mat Response Team, Tech Rescue Team, and Incident Management Team. OCD will make the appropriate notification.
MABAS Card The number of cards varies per department Troy has 24 cards Each station district is divided into four subsections 6 station districts X 4 subsection districts = 24 cards Each card has a specific Box number assigned corresponding to geographical area
Troy MABAS Map
Troy MABAS Card 2nd 3rd 4th 5th OAKLAND COUNTY MABAS: (Notify Oakland County Dispatch (OCD) of all multi-alarm fires on MABAS Dispatch or 248-858-4911) ALARM ENGINES LADDERS TANKERS (If Non-Hydranted) AMBULANCES OTHER CHANGE QUARTERS 2nd E 1-1 L-1 ALLIANCE TROY ADMIN. STAFF E 1-2 3rd E 4-2 L 4-1 AIR TENDER 2 E 2-2 FILL STA. 1 E 2-1 E 5-2 FILL STA. 4 4th E 2-2 L-2 ROCHESTER HILLS ENGINE E 5-2 FILL STA. 2 L 5-1 FILL STA. 1 5th BIRMINGHAM L 5-1 MADISON HTS ENGINE CLAWSON FILL STA. 1 CANTEEN HAZMAT & DECON; HELICOPTER; INCIDENT MGT TEAM; PODS (Lumber, Light/Power, Trench, MCI); TECH RESCUE: TFWA or Contact Oakland County Dispatch @ 248-858-4911. Give incident type & Incident Commander contact info. SALVATION ARMY 888-803-8858 CHANGE QUARTERS CONTINGENCY: If change quarters cannot be filled by assigned apparatus, contact Auburn Hills, Bloomfield Twp, Birmingham, Rochester Hills, or Royal Oak.
Dispatch Examples Station Alarm: Full Alarm: Box Alarm: “Station 2, respond to a vehicle fire at 5500 Crooks…” E 2-1; E 2-2 Full Alarm: “Station 2, respond to a fire alarm at 5500 Crooks…” E 2-1; E 2-2; L-2 Box Alarm: “Station 2 and Station 6, respond to a structure fire at 5500 Crooks…” E 2-1; E 2-2; L-2; E 6-2; L 6-1 2nd Alarm to 5th Alarm: “Dispatch from Crooks Command, we have a working fire with exposures, dispatch a 2nd alarm…” “Station 5, respond to a 2nd alarm structure fire at 5500 Crooks…”
Multiple Alarms The IC must recognize the need for additional resources early in his/her on-going size-up and request additional resources as previously described. Upon the receipt of a 2nd alarm or greater request from the IC, the dispatcher shall refer to the appropriate MABAS card for apparatus assignment, dispatch the assigned apparatus, then notify Oakland County Dispatch on MABAS_D of the current alarm level. Troy does not typically receive MABAS resources until the 4th and 5th alarm level.
MABAS Request (Incoming Resources) When requesting a 2nd alarm or greater, the IC must decide where to stage incoming resources and how to effectively communicate with them. Upon notification of a 2nd alarm, Oakland County Dispatch will assign a MABAS talkgroup block to be used for the incident. The MABAS talkgroup to be used will depend upon the intended assignment. The local dispatcher will relay this assignment to the IC as an FYI. In Troy, we typically will not use a MABAS Talkgroup until outside resources come to assist. The IC has the option of switching appropriate resources to the MABAS talkgroups when/if appropriate.
MABAS Talk Group Plan MABAS A Profile MABAS B Profile TRF_FD1 Troy Dispatch MABAS_D MABAS Dispatch STAGE_1 Staging STAGE_2 MABAS 4 Incident Command MABAS 24 MABAS 5 Tactical MABAS 25 MABAS 6 MABAS 26 MABAS 7 MABAS 27 MABAS 8 Change Quarters MABAS 28 MABAS 9 MABAS 29 MABAS 10 MABAS 30 MABAS 11 MABAS 31 MABAS 12 MABAS 32 MABAS 13 MABAS 33 MABAS 14 Rehab MABAS 34 ALLDISP All Dispatch TRF_EMG Troy Emergency MABAS 1, 2, and 3 talk groups in the Home Profile can be used when two FDs have automatic aid short of a MABAS 2nd alarm. LDCs may monitor MABAS 4, 9, 24, or 29 to communicate with the IC vs. FD_1 per local policy. MABAS 1, 2, and 3 talk groups in the Home Profile can be used when two FDs have automatic aid short of a MABAS 2nd alarm.
Staging The staging area must be large enough to allow the parking and movement of numerous apparatus in an orderly manner, e.g., apparatus parked next to each other, facing the same direction. If possible, this area should be located with the following considerations: Far enough from the incident to discourage freelancing and interaction among committed and uncommitted units. Close enough to allow a timely response to the incident when requested. When requested by the IC, the SAM will assign crews to the incident. Their assignment, radio designation, and talkgroup will be coordinated with the Incident Commander.
MABAS Response (Outbound Commitment) Closest station with appropriate apparatus will respond accordingly Either to the incident or for station coverage Per OCMAA / MABAS directive and TFD Policy: Engines must have a minimum of four firefighters 3 firefighters plus one officer in turnout gear Ladder Trucks must have a minimum of four firefighters 3 firefighters plus one officer in turnout gear Air Tenders & Brush Truck must have a minimum of two firefighters in turnout gear Fire Chief and/or Division Assistant Chief will respond and call enroute and arrival on TRF_FD1 No POVs are to respond Listen for assignment, assigned talk group, and Staging Area Apparatus call enroute and arrival on TRF_FD1 Switch to assigned talkgroup once on scene / staged / in quarters Await and carry out orders
MABAS Response (Station Coverage) Verify location of station to cover Via Dispatch, map, GPS Call enroute and arrival on TRF_FD1 Per OCMAA / MABAS directive, the station being covered should have: Knox Box to allow entry into the station Resources necessary to respond The host department may eventually provide a local FD representative to ride with assisting apparatus as a liaison Notify the local dispatch center for the department being covered on appropriate MABAS change quarters talkgroup (MABAS 8, 13, 28, 33) when in quarters and available for response. Maintain comms with the LDC on that MABAS talkgroup.
Upgrading to a Box Alarm When a station/full alarm turns into a structure fire, e.g., a smoke investigation or a fire alarm, the IC shall “upgrade” the incident to a Box Alarm. (Station 3 has been dispatched to a smoke investigation.) “Dispatch from Townhill Command, we have a working fire in the basement of the home, upgrade this to a Box Alarm.” The dispatcher will dispatch the next due station to assist the first due station on a structure fire. “Station 6, respond to the structure fire at 2751 Townhill. Station 3 on scene with a working fire…”
Refer to TFD Tactical Plan 216.01 MABAS Refer to TFD Tactical Plan 216.01