The DXA results in 41 patients with neuroendocrine tumors: a transversal study M.Carsote 1,2, A.Geleriu 2, R.Miron 3, C.Ene2, V.Radoi 1, G.Voicu2, C.Poiana 1,2 1-Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania 2-Parhon national Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania 3-Constanta Hospital, Romania PP153 Introduction Different results might be registered in DXA assessment in patients with neuroendocrine tumors (NET) since various factors induce bone disturbances as bone metastases, vitamin D hypovitaminosis, etc. Aim The analyze DXA in NET patients. Material and Method The patients were evaluated between 2008 and 2013. The diagnosis of NET was histological confirmed. We also included medullar thyroid cancer (MTC) with distance metastases and carcinoid syndrome. The WHO/ENETS classification was used for NET grading. The central DXA (GE Lunar device) was used. This is a pilot transversal study. The informed consent of the patients was obtained. Results 41 NET patients were included: 24 women and 17 men. The mean age was: 56.5 yrs. The types of NET were: 44% G1, 27% G2, 29% G3. The mean time NET confirmation-DXA was 14.54 months. The mean time in menopause (21 women) was 13.21 yrs. Lumbar DXA BMD (g/cm2) % of men p=0,5 The OMS DXA groups Discussions A larger database will provide more information. NET is not included in general lists of bone loss causes. Conclusions The BMD decreased in the groups of NET from G1 (the best prognosis tumors) to G2 and then G3 NET (the most aggressive tumors). ¾ of women or men have low BMD.