Excite and Engage! Finding great STEM, NGSS & Linked Learning lessons in CTE Online www.cteonline.org
“But I don’t teach Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses...” CTE courses include areas such as Environmental Technology, Engineering and Design, Biotechnology, Energy & Utilities, Media & Graphic Design and Crime Scene Investigation CTE courses are taught by CTE instructors who have actively worked in their industry fields CTE Online has thousands of lessons and corresponding resources, aligned to Common Core and academic standards and written by real CTE teachers across California...all available to YOU for FREE!
NextGenScienceStandards What do real “Linked Learning” STEM NextGenScienceStandards lessons look like?
We wanted to know. 2014 Curriculum Writing Institute: Brought together 45 teachers from across the state Designed CTE/STEM problem-based units integrated with academic lessons Compensation: $2000 for two units of lessons
Water Quality: “The Big Spill” Planning and sampling for water toxicity testing Collaboration with peers to create a report based on findings Connections to math, ELA, and science lessons
Engineering Design Process: “How NOT to design a bridge” Using real-world bridge failure to introduce the engineering design process Connections to chemistry
CSI: “The Body as a Crime Scene” Connections to math and science Fingerprinting, toxicology, anatomy, physiology HIGH interest for high school students
Get these lessons and more! - Join us at our next curriculum writing institute - Get paid to write excellent STEM / NGSS units and lessons! Sign up for your FREE account at: www.cteonline.org
Register today! www.cteonline.org Select “Sign Up”
Type your Institution (school) Name slowly and then select it when it pops up
CTE Teachers: Select an Industry and be connected to a Community Group Registration Code: training1
Excite and Engage! Finding great STEM, NGSS & Linked Learning lessons in CTE Online www.cteonline.org