Management and Evaluation Programs for Faculty Section 2
Overview Management and Evaluation Programs for Faculty Section 2 Faculty Learning Community approach affect on management Challenges and strategies for managing adjunct faculty from a distance Evaluation Strategies for Facilitators Alignment with effective facilitator skills and behaviors Overview Management and Evaluation Programs for Faculty
Faculty Learning Community Approach Affect on Management The faculty learning community approach serves as a support as faculty begin to teach online. (Palloff & Pratt, 2011) The building of a faculty learning community is one of the “most powerful benefits of conducting faculty development programs” (Palloff & Pratt, 2011) The faculty learning community is also valuable to faculty that have been with the institution for a long period of time. They benefit from the networking that takes place as part of the learning community activities.
Challenges and Strategies for Managing Adjunct Faculty from a Distance A lack of understanding of pedagogical theory with can result in a negative impact on student and adjuncts retention and success. May need training on technology used in distance learning. May have a low level of teaching skills Bring adjuncts into the faculty development efforts for online teaching. Start with a mandatory orientation for adjuncts. Incorporate technology training for distance learning. Help them to become part of the faculty learning community. This will help them improve their teaching skills. Providing an experience faculty mentor will also help adjunct faculty.
Evaluation Strategies for Facilitators Periodic facilitator evaluations are vital to any well structured faculty development plan. The evaluation strategy and process should be clearly defined. All faculty should be made aware of the evaluation process and the criteria by which they will be evaluated. Facilitators evaluated every year. Facilitators will be evaluated on such items as: Course delivery Use of technology Student interaction Delivery of feedback Evaluation Instruments Student survey review Self evaluations Peer evaluations Department Director Couse Audit & Evaluation
Alignment with Effective Facilitator Skills and Behaviors The purpose of an online faculty development program is to help faculty move through the phases of development. The evaluation process helps the facilitator identify the areas where they are strong and the areas where they are in need of development. Once evaluations have been completed administrators can work with the facilitator to develop a personalized development plan. This plan should address the key skills of an effective facilitator with specific activities designed to improve these skills.
References Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2011). The excellent online instructor: Strategies for professional development. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass