Transform Your Orthodontics! TransForce Transverse Expander Transform Your Orthodontics!
Fits into Lingual Sheath TransForce Transverse Expander 200 Grams Force Expansion direction Fits into Lingual Sheath 4 Sizes at 2 mm increments
TransForce ®2 Transverse Aesthetic, Comfortable & Efficient
TransForce Palatal Expander After 4 months there is an excellent response to transverse maxillary expansion. This relieves the constriction of the lower anterior teeth. 6 Months Treatment
The Transverse expander unlocked the malocclusion by expanding the maxilla, while the sagittal appliance was extremely effective in restoring symmetry by equalizing the space available to accommodate the lower teeth in the buccal segments.
TransForce ®2 Transverse
TransForce Sagittal Expander 200 Grams Force Read Titles Aesthetic, Comfortable & Efficient
Fits into Lingual Sheath TransForce Sagittal Expander 200 Grams Force Expansion direction Read Titles Fits into Lingual Sheath 7 Sizes at 2 mm Increments
TransForce ®2 Sagittal Aesthetic, Comfortable & Efficient
TransForce Sagittal 6 Months Treatment Sagittal TransForce appliances advance retroclined upper and lower incisors to achieve this improvement after 6 months. The enclosed nickel titanium springs align the teeth by applying gentle continuous forces from the lingual aspect, similar to the forces applied by the tongue.
TransForce ®2 Sagittal