Catalog Desk Impact and Opportunity Analysis Mark Kalmbacher
Study Overview Identify Sample Relationships Build/Evaluate Trade Areas Zip Score Methodology
Identify Sample Relationships
Identify Sample Relationships Sample Set: 12 store relationships. Large, Medium, Small markets geographically distributed across the US. Determine physical attributes for benchmark set Distance parameters Trade area extent Utilize entire universe of catalog desks as benchmarks for comparison of new locations. Share of potential comparison Impact on nearby department stores
Sample Set US Markets Store Locations Sample Set
Build/Evaluate Trade Area Data
Store Desk Trade Area
Catalog Desk Trade Area
Trade Area Comparisons
Evaluate Trade Area Extents 1997 1998 1999
Trade Area Evaluation Home Zip Code Analysis
Trade Area Evaluation Home Zip Code Analysis
Significant Factors on Zip Sales
The average distance to nearest store is 43 miles.
Geo Home Zip Sales Less than 30 Miles More than 30 Miles
Sample Store Trade Area Comparisons Home Zip Code Characteristics Geo Desks 30 miles 12,000 Population $1 million Potential 30% Corporate Share 70% of Total desk sales Metro Desks 15 miles 30,000 Population $3 million Potential 16% Corporate Share 60% of Total desk sales
Calculation of Market Potential and Share
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
Calculation of Market Potential and Share Census of Retail Trade at zip level Customer segmentation modeling Proxy for Population and Income
Zip Score Methodology
Zip Score Methodology Potential Current Sales Share of Market Geography (Metro/Geo) Cannibalization - distance factor
Potential New Desks
Potential New Desks