Cause and Effect Essays Abby Seavers, Jolie Willett, Kaylee Geter, and Rachel Barnett
What is a Cause and Effect Essay? Cause and effect essays… Analyzes why something happens Examines causes, describes effects, or does both Links situations and events together in time Explains why something happened, or is happening, and predicts what probably will happen
Steps to Writing a Cause and Effect Essay: You need to explain the effects by making appropriate links to the causes. This is where your breakdown of the topic will help you. Be sure to only focus on a few points. Too many will overcomplicate everything for your reader. Organize your essay Start with thesis statement Other paragraphs should begin with a topic sentence that describes the causes and effects End your essay by drawing your discussion together
Ways to Write a Cause and Effect Essay: Cause and effect essays can be written three different ways. Paragraphs can be formed like the following... Thesis Statement Cause and Effect Conclusion Thesis Statement Cause Effect Conclusion Thesis Statement Cause Effect Conclusion
Many Causes One Effect Many Effects One Cause Political repression Desire to further education Desire to join family members Desire for economic opportunity Desire for religious freedom One Effect Immigrants come to the United States Many Effects One Cause Diverse culture Demand for new goods and services Competition for jobs Immigrants come to the United States
Works Cited "Plagiarism Checking Tool - the Most Accurate and Absolutely FREE! Try Now!" effect-essay.html. Accessed 15 Jan. 2018.