September 6, 2018
Dues Membership Dues: $50 Includes: -DECA Membership -DECA Member Shirt -State Dues -National Dues Pay on Revtrak (on fortbendisd website) Due Date: October 4th
Upcoming Events October 30th- DECA day with Rockets! October 26th- UHD Mini Competitions January 19th- District Competition
Membership Contact ership Contact If you have not already done so, please fill out this form so that we can get your contact information. For the QR code you may use snapchat to open the link. or
Membership Point System - To qualify for districts, members need to have 20 points - To qualify for state, members need to have 30 points - These can be earned by attending community service, participating in campaigns,meetings,practices, etc.
Requirements Attend at least ONE mini competition Must be in a CTE Course Only allowed to miss ONE meeting per semester, if you miss more you may not qualify for districts Attend at least ONE mini competition Have 20 points by Districts
Competition Types Event Clusters: Business Management and Administration, Entrepreneurship,Marketing, Finance, Hospitality & Tourism Principles Events(First year individuals only): 1 Role Play -1 Person; 10 min to prepare & 10 min to present
Competition Types Continued Individual Series: 2 Role-plays -1 Person; 10 min to prepare & 10 min to present Team Decision Making: 1 Role Play -2 People; 30 min to prepare & 15 min to present
Competition Types Continued Research Written Events: -1 to 3 People; Written report ranges from 5-20 pages by event; 15 min to present Online Competition: -Stock Market Simulation - Virtual business challenge
Written Event -Prior to the presentation, the judge will evaluate the written portion of the entry (60 points) -The participants will present the plan to the judge in a 15-minute presentation (40 points) -These plans include: creating a new business, improving business, etc.
Role Play Is a real world scenario Based on a possible business situation Includes a PROBLEM that needs to be solved or a PLAN that needs to be prepared (50 points) Ex. Creating a promotional plan for a new product
Exam -100 questions - In order to qualify for state you MUST get a 50 or above, and for Nationals you MUST get a 70 or above -worth 50 points with role play being the other 50 points -will pertain to the event you choose -STUDY!! Go to, under competitive events go to your event and do the practice tests -Quizlet is also a great resource to study terms for your event
Fundraiser Otis Spunkmeyer cookies which will be sold every TUESDAY at lunch We encourage students to promote these sales in order to raise money for DECA
Social Media Remind101- Text 81010 @elkinsdec Twitter- @ElkinsDeca Stay Connected, Join the Social Medias!