Newly Tsuchiyama presents n=1 Checker FAI (First-Article Inspection)
First-Article Inspection A First-Article Inspection (FAI) is a formal method of providing a reported measurement for a given manufacturing process. The method consists of measuring the properties, values and geometry of an initial sample item against given specifications.
Performing FAI Manually Costly: Stops your production line for manual inspection Slow: 10 seconds or more to inspect each component Error Prone: Manual FAI relies on human accuracy There is a better way.
Introducing n=1 Revolutionary automatic first-article inspection tool Checks component presence and orientation Verifies LCR values (induction, capacitance, resistance) 10x faster Speeds up visual inspection with camera magnification
n=1 Features Optical Verification Camera Probe Unit UUT Stage 350K resolution camera to aid in visual inspection of components, orientation and serial numbers Probe Unit 7 individual probe sets for testing virtually any component size UUT Stage Unit under test platform holds PCB in place Linear Motion Tracks 3 rails allow probe arm and tray to glide smoothly along X and Y axis
n=1 Benefits Verify all components are present and mounted correctly Test LCR values (inductive, capacitive and resistance) Eliminate human error Make optical inspection process more streamlined & accurate Speed up changeovers on production line by 10x Automate quality assurance (QA) data capture & logging
Human vs. n=1 Checker FAI Human Inspection: Measurements by 1 staff member, record by same 1 staff member: easily introduces errors Each test takes 10 seconds or more per component n=1 Inspection: Automatic measurement and test report, no opportunity to introduce human error Each component test takes just 1 second…10x faster
Say “Goodbye” to Line Downtime Line Downtime = Lost Revenue n=1 makes FAI quick and frictionless Quickly perform first-article inspections for: Product changes Reel changes Shift changes Regular periodic testing for quality control
Simple and Explicit FAIL/OK Displays
Sample Test Report
n=1 Competitive Advantage Reducing Labor Error Test program based on individual PCB CAD file and specs Test Reports automatically generated Reducing Labor Costs Reduce pre-work Reduce highly technical manual labor Automatic data collection Reducing Processing Time 1 second per component Reduce SMT idle time Improved Performance on Cutting-Edge Electronics Ideal for high-density components (smartphones, etc.) Test small components (0201 mm, 0402 mm/01005”)
n=1 is trusted by major brands
Technical Specs
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