Thirteenth Amendment 13th
Ended/banned slavery
Fourteenth Amendment 14th
Citizenship to Blacks and full protection under the law (life, liberty & property).
Fifteenth Amendment 15th
Right to vote for all MALE citizens, regardless of race, color or previous condition of servitude.
Black Codes
laws created by Southern governments to limit the rights of former slaves
It kept Blacks and Whites separate
rebuilding the South and bringing the southern states back into the Union
Freedman’s Bureau
established by Congress to assist former slaves including food, medical care and education
northerners who went to the South after the Civil War to gain money and political power
Civil Rights Act of 1866
granted full citizenship rights to freedmen, giving them the same rights as whites
treating someone unfairly because of their race, gender, religion, or place of birth
Robert E. Lee
Urged Southerners to reconcile at the end of the war and reunite as Americans President of Washington College
Abraham Lincoln
Reconstruction plan called for reconciliation (make-up/get back together)
Frederick Douglass
Wanted constitutional amendments that guaranteed voting rights